why does it wear a suit?

Explain! Why is a living carrot dressed in a spaceman suit? This kind of irresponsible, sloppy writing is what's wrong with these kind of movies! It completely ruined the entire film for me with this blatant irregard for logic.



Because "it" can.

Or perhaps, he was just feeling a little chilly.

Hey there, Johnny Boy, I hope you fry!


It's a space man, isn't it? You want him travelling nude in space? Are you an idiot? Or perhaps you think he should have warn a full dress suit or tuxedo?

Where do they find these people?


Central Casting (Section 8).


Have you never heard of salad dressing?


Why is a living carrot dressed in a spaceman suit?
Why would it not wear a spaceman suit? Was it not an astronaut?

Joe Satriani - "Always With Me, Always With You"


why does it wear a suit?

Because even across the cosmos, nobody really likes raw vegetables.
