I just watched this movie last night and I was actually wondering the same thing. I don't think the other characters in the movie believed her story but we, as viewers, are expected to assume that the rape certainly happened when it is ambigous in the movie (I don't know about the play) and when in fact, in the scene that led up to that incident, Blanche spends a good deal of time telling Stanley about how she was gonna go to this cruise and then how Mitch came back begging for forgiveness, straight up lies. I find it a bit naive to believe that a prolific writer such as Tennessee Williams would create such a conversation between those two characters to make us know about the characters more and then, right in the next scene, to make us believe Blanche without even questioning a bit what really happened.
Even as someone who has always been sensitive to rape issues, I found myself being actually on the edge whether to believe her because of the way the Blanche character has been portrayed throughout the movie and not because it is out of question that Stanley would do such a thing.