I must say, watching this film at the beginning, I was considering giving it a 7/10, perhaps a 6/10. But as soon as the action begins, when Price meets Mitchum at the shootout, I couldn't help but be drawn to this film, particularly Price's character! He is by far my favorite in this! I began wondering if I should give this an 8/10, certainly due to Price! But as the film went on, I found myself enjoying this a lot more than I expected, the whole affair of Price & his trusted soldiers attempting to rescue Mitchum w/ his wit, charm, hilarious quips & ham over-the-top bravura just had me in stitches! So now, due to a single actor & his performance, I've given this film a 10/10 rating! Vincent Price is indeed the MAN!

I had a weird dream last night...
You had yourself a vision.


I always think that 'His Kind of Woman' is like two films. Vincent Price just takes over the film and turns it into something else. A comic romp. He is so funny spouting Shakespeare as he hunts down his human game. Every time that he spoke the name of Lenore (Jane Russell's character), it reminded me of Vincent Price in the 1963 film, 'The Raven.' In that film he narrates the Edgar Allan Poe's poem also called 'Lenore.' Vincent Price's marvellous tone makes the name sound so poetic in 'His Kind of Woman' too.


Just watched it -- wasn't sure of the direction they were going, it definitely starts off very slow, but that last 40 minutes were stellar thanks to Price. Mitchum did a great job in the beginning, but Price ran away with it in the end.

I'm not anti-society, societies anti-me!


Price knew how to make a theatrical performances hilarious. Although this completely changed His Kind of Woman's tone, it managed to work.

"I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not".


I did the same thing: 10/10! I love it when this shows up on TCM~like right now, when I meant to go to bed. Someday, I should videotape it! I'm not sure about DVD, as they usually are so expensive.

Unfortunately, I didn't have enough blank tape handy. I should have checked the TCM schedule! Dumb, dumb, Cyn!

I also love the scene when he excitedly watches his film and the reactions of the audience! He's so proud of it! It's just so adorable!

(W)hat are we without our dreams?
Making sure our fantasies
Do not overpower our realities. ~ RC


Vincent Price was great in this movie. He should have got at least an Oscar Nomination for Best Supporting Actor. That he didn't is another discredit to the Academy.


I like Robert Mitchum but Vincent Price makes this a great movie!


This is one of those movies that I have to watch every time Turner puts it on...a great movie....


I put this on for Robert Mitchum and Jane Russell. Surprised to see Vincent Price. His performance is incredible. A famous movie star who cooks and butchers his own duck! Such a departure! :) Love him!
