Lucy is Envious
Love this weird little offering from season three. Lucy wants to impress rich school chum Cynthia Hartcourt by donating five hundred dollars to the latter's charity. Ethel gets shamed into doing likewise. In trying to raise this money, the daffy duo agree to the stunt of appearing on top of the Empire State building as female space aliens to promote the release of a sci fi movie.
Fair enough. But FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS apiece??? Come on! Aside from being too "on the nose" in scripting (the pay being exactly what they need), there is no way they would've been paid such an amount for this, especially in 1954.
I'm well aware of these promo ads in Variety, as I had out-of-work actor friends who did similar stunts in the 1980s, and they were paid maybe 50 bucks.
Since I'm too lazy, anyone want to volunteer to do an inflation adjustment to find out what that five hundred bucks would translate into in 2023 dollars?