"Oh, shut up!"

As rude a retort then as it is now. It really doesn't need the "f$%k" in the middle! Say THIS to the wrong person, and you might get something worse than a verbal response.

Lucy said this often. The two eps that come to mind are:

"Mr. and Mrs. TV Show"

When Lucy insists she gets the "full import" of Ricky's refusing to include her in a show, and that she can "take a hint", Ethel replies, "HINT???" Lucy let's loose with her trade mark, OSU!

Ethel's Birthday

When Lucy spies Ethel at the "Over the Teacups" performance, she refuses to sit down, prompting a man holding his seat, "C'mon, Lady, I can't hold this seat forever." Lucy let's loose with another OSU!! Not a smart move to say this to a total stranger.



Yes, Lucy could be a tad rude. I recall how it always irritated you that she told Ethel to "Sit down and be quiet" in the Don Loper salon. It was all part of Lucy's self absorbed aspect of her personality. She sometimes didn't think about others before she spoke or acted.

On the bus sightseeing tour episode, she had to have the window seat and kept pushing Ethel to take the aisle seat. She kept jumping back and forth until that other tourist (Barbara Pepper) put her in her place.
When Lucy told her that the seat was taken, her reply was, "It sure is honey", and she wouldn't move.


I'm not old enough to know if "shut up" was as insulting in the '40s and early '50s as it is now. In It's a Wonderful Life, George Bailey (long suffering good guy who gives to everyone at his own expense) used "shut up" a couple of times, and it seemed jarring - particularly coming from him. I suspect it just wasn't as biting as it is now.


I remember once in the sixth grade my friend was talking in class and I told her to shut up. Our nun overheard me and said that I shouldn't tell someone to shut up. She said, "If you shut up, you will die."

I never did know what she meant by that! I assumed she meant I wanted my friend to literally shut her mouth, nose, eyes and ears. lol That scolding stayed with me and ever since I try to use the tad more polite "Be quiet" or "Hush up".


I usually go with the more polite "pipe down", or if I really want to be polite, the old standby "shut your pie hole!!!"...
