I agree that Judd Hirsch was very sexy when he was young. Extremely intelligent actor (I love him in
"Ordinary People", as the psychiatrist. Oddly enough, the film was directed by Robert Redford).
Even though Desi was very "top-heavy", even when the series began, he was still very handsome. He
carried this look through season three. But when the Hollywood shows start, there is a subtle - very
subtle - change in his looks, which appears to be from the alcohol. A casual viewer wouldn't get this,
but all longtime viewers have to do is put on Desi singing, for example, "Granada" from season three's
routine offering "Changing the Boys' Wardrobe." Then quickly change discs and put on "Ethel's Home
Town." Desi has lost something. Still handsome, but the spark is fading physically. You can see it
around his eyes and mouth, even when he's smiling.
Oddly enough, I think Desi still has that spark in early season four's "The Matchmaker", but he has
already lost something by "Lucy Cries Wolf." (Look at him in the breakfast scene). So odd, as these
two were filmed fairly close together, although I think "Matchmaker" was shot in late spring '54; "Wolf"
in very late summer. Bizarre.