Favorite Disney Heroine/Princess dress?
I LOVED Mulan's dresses. The one she wore at the end to try and stop Shan-Yu, and the one when she was going to meet her matchmaker. (the one with pink sleeves, not the one with green sleeves at at the VERY beginning)
I also liked Ariel's blue dress, and Aurora's peasant dress. They're both very simple, but so beautiful.
And Tiana's (The Princess and the Frog) dress! It looks like a lilypad! But a bit too poofy for me. http://1.bp.blogspot.com/__kA16vnWHH0/SXEsw74e2sI/AAAAAAAABgI/bc0Lj8dX PWA/s1600-h/PrincessAndTheFrog2009.jpg
(I know this isn't Disney) but I liked Anastasia's golden, sparkly, dress with the blue ribbon during "Once Upon a December".