Enchanted Cottage (1945) DVD

I'm sure you're well aware that a decent copy of The Enchanted Cottage isn't available on DVD, but we can change that! Check out the link I've posted below to vote on the Turner Classic Movie website for this movie to be released onto DVD. Titles that gather enough votes often get DVD distribution, so let's vote! Just look for the "homevideovote" section on the right of the page & click "VOTE"!

VOTE ---> http://tcmdb.com/title/title.jsp?stid=2109

Current Rank: 22
Total Votes: 500


For anyone who didn't order the DVD-R (and would like to see it again) TCM is showing this film on Sunday, December 27, 2009 at 10:00 am EST.


I saw this fantastic little gem of a movie this morning. I am so glad I happened to catch it from the beginning. It captured my interest from the start. I voted for it to be released on DVD, and now it has 3506 votes, and the rank is 13.


I also (finally) caught this movie when it aired on TCM this morning...a great film!

I had read about it in the past, but always missed seeing it. But it was definitely worth the wait.


Since no one has mentioned it before on this thread, the THE ENCHANTED COTTAGE is now available on DVD via TCM. Just click on the link at the top of this thread. I just ordered it. It's on sale at $17.99.
