Soul Of Noir

What would you say the soul of noir is?



There's a remake?

Well obviously I guess, but that's the first I heard of it. Seems a lot of Noir remakes are even more obscure then the films themselves (these days).

I had heard about the novel but I've not read it.

Excellent film but I wouldn't personally say it was the best Noir, but I'd have a hard time choosing which one was and this is certain amongst the better ones.



"Seems a lot of Noir remakes are even more obscure then the films themselves (these days)."

Why should a film genre be limited to the time when it was made? What if I were to make a film noir with all the elements from earlier films, would it be called "neo-noir" just because it is from nowadays instead of the 1940's. No other genre is subdivided by the time when they were made. Why separate the old from the new if it is the same genre?

Not necessarily stoned but beautiful


Why should a film genre be limited to the time when it was made? What if I were to make a film noir with all the elements from earlier films, would it be called "neo-noir" just because it is from nowadays instead of the 1940's. No other genre is subdivided by the time when they were made. Why separate the old from the new if it is the same genre?

For some reason Noir does get divided like that. Hence when I said about remakes of Noir I meant those normally regarded as Film Noir and not neo-Noir, from 1940-1959. So the "these days" bit was merely recognising the fact that a lot of those films would now be considered obscure.

While I was using this fairly well recognised classification of Noir, I do agree with you that the period restriction on the genre is both unusual and unfair on anyone wanting to make Noir films. Why indeed should old and new be separate in this genre and not in for example science fiction? I don't know the answer, but it is and so when I discuss Film Noir I use those terms that make distinction between old and new.

It doesn't however stop me enjoying modern Noir movies, at least when they are good and I would love to see more of them. My comment was merely reflecting the reality of the situation in regards specifically to remakes of classic noir films.

I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed or numbered. My life is my own.


For some reason film noir does get categorized like that, but we don't have neo-western, neo-science fiction, neo-romantic comedy, etc. (maybe we do, but they're not referred to that way). It is odd.


I think we get "Neo-noir" because there is a change in film styles after a certain time and the old noir doesn't seem like the new stuff.

We do create new categories of sci-fi to accommodate changes, however. For instance, a lot of people call Star Wars "space opera" because it's not really the same as 2001.
