MovieChat Forums > Detour (1946) Discussion > Wow..That's Some Extansion Cord!

Wow..That's Some Extansion Cord!

For a fleabag flat in the forties I was surprised just how long that telephone cord went in their furnished rented apartment. Vera was able to take the phone from the end table in the living room, go past the dining area, into her bedroom and then half way across the room onto her bed with cord to spare. Pacific Bell back in the 1940's sure wanted their customers to be satisfied!


I love trivia like this.... Telephone Cords.... heck with them people who go on and on about wrong hairstyle for the era and such crap... Telephone cords... I remember them.

That's All Folks


I suppose the apartment owners might have ordered that as a feature to appeal to renters. It meant that if unrelated individuals rented separate rooms they could each take their calls in the relative privacy of their own bedrooms.


Phones and cords and the wall connection were all rented from Ma Bell. You could probably pay more to get a plug installed (I've seen them, a bulky pin plug), but the normal installation was hard wired. To get an extra long cord you would have to pay some fee. An extension phone would be another fee and/or monthly extra charge for the extra phone outlet and a monthly extra charge for the other phone. Anyway the plot required the long cord so it was there.
