MovieChat Forums > Brief Encounter (1946) Discussion > Who else cries when they see this film?

Who else cries when they see this film?

i don't know if its because I'm a hopeless romantic -but I have cried EVERY SINGLE TIME i have seen this film. Does that happen to everyone else? I seriously don't usually bawl my eyes out in films, but its just so tragic that they have fallen so deeply in love and have to part forever!

"Everything in this room is eatable. Even I'm eatable. But that’s called cannibalism."


I'm a hopeless romantic, but I'm not the type of person that will bawl at every single romantic film I see. HOWEVER, I CRIED after watching this movie! I think what did it for me was the fact that Alec and Laura were attempting to say goodbye and then Laura's obnoxious friend came over and spoiled the whole moment! Once that kicked in, I couldn't help but bawl.


I often cry when watching this film, but I find it's one of those that you really have to be in a particular kind of mood to watch it in the first place.
It's hard to describe what I mean, but if you're not in the right frame of mind, some of the romance can actually seem rather funny! (probably because of the different era in which it was made, and set)

Btw: For all those who never normally cry at movies, (but kinda wish they did) you have to watch "Shadowlands" with Anthony Hopkins & Debra Winger... you'll need a whole box of tissues, but it's a wonderful experience!

A good cry makes you feel kinda good, whilst you're feeling sad. In a strange way, it can also make you feel a little more "alive". (that's how I feel, anyway!)
After all... why would anyone ever want to watch "sad" films if they didn't actually quite enjoy being upset, crying, and generally being moved by them???

Experience is something you don't get until just after you need it!


I can say honestly I didn't cry. I enjoy the film and is a favorite in acting but in truth they were committing in real terms nothing short of adultery.
They should of avoided the situation that made them fall in love and were in effect cheating on their spouses and the Laura Jesson character was also risked the happiness of her two young innocent children had this relationship carried on further.
Thankfully back in 1945 the morals of society are better than today as these days adultry is glorified and not seen as anything wrong in it as long as you are happy then heck to your spouse and kids.
I am glad the film ended with a sensible decision to end the adultry and return to their respective spouses.


You make some excellent points, webboffin uk, expecially regarding 1940's moral standards versus modern perceptions that self fulfillment is of the utost importance. However, let's not just blame Laura! Alec also had two young boys whose happiness he was potentially jeopardizing with this (would be) affair.

It started off innocently enough during the first encounter or two but once these two realized what was happening in terms of their emotions, I agree they should have avoided situtions that encouraged their relationship -- i.e. not arranged to meet on these Thursdays. It isn't impossible to control one's emotions but it is possible to control one's behaviour.

However, we're all of us only human and I love this film! Given Laura's ongoing extreme guilt, IMO she's cast as a very sympathetic character. I've posted on this board many times, often indicating that I don't personally feel that Alec was The Great Love Of Her Life but merely a glimpse of romance and passion, a relief from the boredom of an otherwise good marriage that had grown rather stale lately.

Yes, I was pleased as well that the two of them did the right thing in the end, not only for their families but probably ultimately for themselves as well. Laura knew all along the potential this affair had for hurting others. In the end she returned to a husband clearly willing to love and support her, despite his probable suspicion that she'd had an interest in another man.


You cry because this film beats the crap out of almost every other romantic movie ever made, it`s a masterpiece and I think it`s actually underrated despite its great status. It`s a pefect film.


You cry because this film beats the crap out of almost every other romantic movie ever made, it`s a masterpiece and I think it`s actually underrated despite its great status. It`s a pefect film.
by - mr_velvetvoice

Ok, then, thanks for those unargued superlatives.

I couldn't be bothered. I feel this film is without merit. I might cry if I had to watch it a 2nd time.



With me it's not always floods of tears, but at the very least (the case with seeing it tonight on the big screen) I do that silly grimace where you try to force a tear or two to not depart your eyes.

I've got the straight edge




It's so bittersweet. Somehow, even though they can't be together, their hearts will always belong to one another.


I always cry at the point near the middle of the picture when Fred -dear Fred- asks her if she's all right, and she says, "Yes, I'm perfectly happy." (paraphrasing here).
Because you KNOW, even at that point in the film, that she's not perfectly happy, and you KNOW it'll be a long time before she IS happy, and it's just one of the greatest, most subtle moments in movie history. Never fails to make me cry like a little girl.
I think I'll go watch it now.

"Stone-cold sober, I find myself absolutely fascinating."


I'd like to know who DOESN'T.

I don't pray. Kneeling bags my nylons.


Me, but then again I'm pretty stone cold when it comes to crying during films, no matter how much I love them (including Brief Encounter).

What? No, leave the rooster story alone--that's human interest!--His Girl Friday


It made me laugh. The naration is trite. Trevor Howard is homely.

"If you don't have an affair with me, I'm going to work in a leper colony." Ha ha ha ha ha.


Crying to this Film Comes Natural to a person with Empathy,because most of us have had that love before and didn't want it to end prematurely like in the film,but it did and we feel as a result.
