1. As mentioned elsewhere, Stephen would have had a right to be perfectly outraged that Alec had failed in his role of filling in for him at the hospital. Not just once, but 6 or 7 times I think. But we don't know for sure if he ever found out about that. My guess is that someone at the hospital would be sure to tell him sooner or later.
2. Stephen presumably still needs a person to fill in for him if he intends to take Thursdays off in future, so we are left wondering what will happen to that little arrangement. Except that Alec is leaving England anyway.
3. I think that Stephen is probably meant to be gay. Alec probably isn't overtly, but there may be some "frisson" between them, which has probably never come to anything.
4. Stephen is not Noel Coward. Noel Coward was the station announcer! (Yes, listen carefully next time you see it. I discovered this on a visit to Carnforth Station. They have a museum and heritage centre, and a refreshment room done out like the one in the film, although those scenes were not actually filmed on the station, but in studio mock-ups at Denham Studios.
(OK, I know the comment about Stephen being NC was not meant literally).
5. Being British myself, I wish to counter those comments which emphasise the supposed respectability of the British upper-middle classes of that era.
First, this film may have been set in the late 1930s (I have seen 1939 suggested), but it was actually made in 1945. If nothing else, the war had probably begun to alter radically the supposed moral standards of pre-war years. People didn't know how long they were going to be alive, and were probably more likely to take a risk and enjoy their pleasures today and not worry about tomorrow.
But even back in the 1930s, I don't think the British Upper-Middle-Classes were so very "moral". They may have had a veneer of respectability, but that's another thing. You only have to read the novels of Evelyn Waugh to see how much marital infidelity there was. In fact, these people could probably get away with it far more easily than lower class people, since they had the resources. For example they could afford to take hotel rooms, or carry on affairs under the covers of large weekend house parties, etc.
One would have to be discreet, of course, but that was something they were very good at.