As a born orphan of a WWII US Navy vet killed in action 1944 off the coast by a German sub, the 40s were a kind of blur. Don't remember people smoking on NYC subways or buses, actually not that much in cabs either. Mostly the night life saw that with the popular cigarette girls. Cheapie aunts like mine would buy a pack at drug store just in case some friend in club would hit on them for a butt. Jazz clubs favored smoke filled atmosphere. Kinda hide the bad talent and bad food. Never eat in a music place - seems they have more on mind than they have taste. Cigs and booze do knock down the taste buds.
Luckily the adults around me were into the food scene and highly prized their liking for a fine meal w/o messing it up. Choice wine was the main addition.
In this great film the use of such 'adult consumptions' as butts & booze is used to suggest the close interaction of the players. On that level notice the very low ceilings in some of the 2 player scenes. This is in contrast to the pre-war Depression era sky high ceilings that fed the hunger for prosperity. For a few cheap moments an audience member could escape into a fantasy world of opulence & splendor.
In Laura the intent is to focus tightly on shortcomings of supposed success. Floating checks, cheating, faking, all covered with veneer of fitting in.
However it could also be seen as thumbing noses at the war ration environment. There’s no military uniforms, there’s a maid, top drawer democratic parties, glossy home phone. US is winning and fat times are ahead w/o food stamps, gas cards, old cars, tough times, coffins.
Yet there will still be the battle with personal demons. Laura is what we get.
Lots of deep b/w, close ups. Trench coats, big hats, rainy darkness, black shiny cabs. Is this the American Dream dark side? There's no rah-rah of baseball, theater, boy scouts, the apple pie outlook. In this thing it doesn't just rain it POURS and has striking shadows to match.
Refreshing to see adults took such a strong, tho harsh, view into the soul of top drawer, bottom drawer life. Check the name of the cheap booze Black Pony. Can you just imagine tagline for that stuff? “It gets ya there fast and kicks ya in the head doing it...”
Now I know why some adults weren’t so broken up by the JFK killing. They had already been prepped by noir mysteries like Laura to look layers deep into criminal matters. There certainly are bad people doing bad things and no amount of Camelot could change that. Nixon to Obama have worked double time to create the fiction of Top Dog Americana. We need our Lauras, LA Confidentials, Pulp Fictions to counterbalance such moneyed glory.
Maybe Nebraska film offers a glimpse into another dimension of the US the way Laura does. Sure are a lot of hurt people floating round. Not always easy theme for film to get right.