MovieChat Forums > Saboteur (1942) Discussion > Won't anyone stand up for this movie?

Won't anyone stand up for this movie?

It feels horrible coming onto this board and seeing so many people complain about Saboteur. Everyone seems to have some sort of argument with the plot and its complete departure from realistic logic. I ask, Why? Questioning the plot in this film, in many films, is trivial. The plot of Stars Wars isn't far-fetched?

No, Saboteur does some very exciting things cinematically and is more than deserving of real attention. Does nobody else find the scene in the theater (with the movie playing) absolutely exhilerating? Is nobody positively blown away by the Statue of Liberty sequence? There is more to a film than its narrative. Narrative is cinema's whore and deserves to be abused for the fun of the camera. Image and Motion, after all, are the supreme masters of film, and to judge a film without considering its use of image an motion is a woeful mistake. Saboteur does far more than your average film (and just as much as other Hitchcock films).

Won't anybody stand up for this film? Is nobody intelligent enough to dig beyond the absurd plot to see what the film actually accomplishes?

I proclaim ignorance in everything I say.


Probably the weakest Hitchcock I've seen so far. The first half is kind of lightweight but OK. The second half is a mess. Suspense is minimal if not altogether lacking. Acting is good enough and Priscilla Lane is cute - that's on the plus side.


It's hardly the worst Hitchcock movie-- unlike TORN CURTAIN, it doesn't put me to sleep. For me, the leads of SABOTEUR were so-so, but there are so many memorable setpieces in the movie and Norman Lloyd is such a great screen presence.
