Although I haven't been active for several months, but this board was my favorite for quite a while. The conversation was polite and engaging and I met some lovely people on this board. I'm sorry that the boards will be no more in a couple of weeks. Goodbye, my wonderful Windies.
I hate that they are shutting down the boards. Know the reason is that people are using social media instead. But I am not on social media at all. Anyone know of any other good 'Gone With The Wind' message boards? Thank you:)
Never say die, digitaldiva. There must be something we can do to prevent this.
On another board, I learned that public protest forced IMDb to cancel its ban on emojis. With enough protest, perhaps this decision could also be overturned.
IMHO, IMDb, and maybe Amazon, needs a major shake-up in its staff, getting people who will monitor messages and prevent trolling. Just dismantling the message boards is the lazy way out.
I'm so, so sorry about this. I've been posting on here since the 1990s.
The fact that this message board was so alive compared to that of other films of its vintage is a testament to the power of Gone with the Wind. For over two decades, getting to know you all here has been my privilege.
Who can forget the characters who've been on this board over the years--the Southern country singer who always argued about perceptions of the South and race for years before disappearing, the authoritative Mark Mayes, the incisive digital diva and snsurone and Venus, a certain articulate rival of mine whose taste differs from mine but whom I respect, and the most elusive of all,photo66666, whom the community on the board welcomed with respect for many years when less sophisticated communities might have shunned him.
If the entire IMDB could discuss race, identity, and human relationships with as much nuance and patience as the board regulars here, the world would be a brighter place than it is now.
If any of you want to be my friend on Facebook, I'm David Vincent Kimel there.
Thanks for all of the memories, and for teaching me so much about my favorite work of art.
It's great to hear from you again, as it is with digitaldiva.
We posters just CAN"T allow this censorship to happen. Contact IMDb and Amazon and protest! I believe there is an on-line petition you can sign (for a price, but what the hey--this is important).
I'm so very sorry to read this. Though I haven't posted regularly here in quite some time, this board was always my go-to spot at IMDB, and I've tried to keep up with some of the threads here as much as I can.
I'm already friends on Facebook with spqrclaudius, digitaldiva and Mark Mayes, and I'm grateful to at least be able to keep those connections.
This really is such a shame. Snsurone....if you start or know of a petition, please post it here. I'd be delighted to sign!!!
It's great to hear from you again, as it is with digitaldiva.
We posters just CAN"T allow this censorship to happen. Contact IMDb and Amazon and protest! I believe there is an on-line petition you can sign (for a price, but what the hey--this is important).
It's great to hear from you again, as it is with digitaldiva.
We posters just CAN"T allow this censorship to happen. Contact IMDb and Amazon and protest! I believe there is an on-line petition you can sign (for a price, but what the hey--this is important).
As usual, spqrclaudius, you summed it up in the most eloquent and polite terms. It really hurts that there are so many posters I'll never engage with again; however, I must be honest, many of the IMDB boards are hot beds of vile garbage where civil conversation is not welcome. It's a shame that a few barbarians have ruined it for so many.
I have a completely off-topic question for you as an scholar and expert on ancient Rome. What did you think of the HBO series, Rome?
I appreciated the communion, even the occasional frustrations, the tidbits and all the interchanges shared with friends (and not-so-much friends) on these boards.
And especially on this board--our home board.
Thanks to all of you bright GWTW people for engaging for so many years! I will miss you and our lively discussions.
Digitaldiva and spqrclaudius and HelenaHandbasket; I am relieved that we have already ensured our contact outside of this board some time ago. And I am happy to keep in touch with any of you from this board via Facebook, should you care to add me. I'm Mark Mayes.
I urge you guys to follow the GWTW pages over there so that we can discuss our favorite film.
Maybe we should start our own page that welcomes all views-- to keep it lively and un-fawning. I'll think about that...tomorrow.
The fact that classic films like this have such active message boards tells the film industry what it needs to know all on one website. I don't see how IMDB benefits from doing this rather than having a moderating staff look it over regularly to remove troll posts.
The Fabio Principle: Puffy shirts look best on men who look even better without them.
Haven't posted in quite a while but I started using IMDB because of Gone With the Wind when I was about 14.
There was quite an interesting little scene going on here for some time with some funny characters. Meade and the the poster with the username a37b (or something) for example.
I've posted on the IMDB for years. In those days, I'd get an occasional snarky post but most users were polite and I learned a great deal. I loved this board at its height, and enjoyed the more quirky posters. Unlike other boards that were flooded with belligerent, often sexist and racists posters, the Gone with the Wind posters were usually civil, intelligent, and quite well-informed. I'll miss it.
It's always sad to say goodbye but sometimes we must. Let's face it, we'll be OK -it's always darker before the dawn (so I've been told!). I've loved to pop in here once a week or so even if I didn't post all that much.
I have a Facebook page but I just don't get how the social media stuff can possibly replace dedicated message boards.
Maybe I'm just old...
Thanks everyone and God bless!!
It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men ~ F Douglass