Gone With The Wind Vs Jezebel
Alright, so undoubtedly the better movie was Gone With The Wind, but I hear that Bette Davis, who was the strongest second choice for Scarlett O'Hara, chose to do this movie instead. Her character is so similar to Scarlett in many ways. She's willful, beautiful, ostentatious, scandalous and proud. She also suffers of an unrequited love like Scarlett did for Ashley. Both films are set in the Old South. She is aching for Best Actress in her performance. She is doing a great job, but I can't seem to enjoy this movie because the shadow of Gone With The Wind is greater. But this film has its strengths. It is not in Techni-Color but it has brilliant dialog, moving scenes, great acting and a lot of heart. This is a fine movie too, but GWTW is a classic, and one more fondly remembered than this one.