Absolutely Terrible Movie

And no I'm not a troll

But I have never in my life been so upset and aggravated after watching a film the way I was over this movie. I absolutely hated this and would rank it 2/10 at best! Katerine Hepburn was the most annoying character I have EVER seen on screen before and I think the script was the most terrible jumbled underdeveloped script and it's no wonder the two writers never did anything big afterwards.

This movie was just redundant, bland, and filled with plot holes and unlikable characters. I thank God that when this movie came out people realized how terrible it was. It just worries me that the "high brow" critics and film snobs of today really considers this a "masterpiece."

RIP Paul Newman 1925-2008. Words can't express how much you will be missed.


i think it's very funny.


Who in the hell is Katerine anyway?

Even larks and katydids are, supposed by some, to dream


As my screen name indicates, I really appreciate a good Cary Grant movie. This movie is not one of them. The stupidity is unending and I find it very hard to take. There are some good lines and gags in this film but they are overpowered by the fact that you do not get a break from the stupidity. I also enjoy a good screwball comedy but I find this movie goes far beyond silly and gets ridiculous very quickly.

Katherine Hepburn looked gorgeous in this film and a little more romance and a lot less nonsense might have helped to make it more enjoyable.
