Idiot in my class

I had this guy in all my classes during my senior year of high school (I graduated on May 27th of this year) and throughout this year he said many things about movies that piss me off! Heres a list of all the stupid things he has said.

-Says the Star Wars prequals are BETTER than the original trilogy.

-Says the special effects in the original Star Wars movies suck. When I told him the effects won an academy award he responded with: "Probably just the lightsabers."

-Thinks all Disney movies (or animated movies in general) are for little kids.

-Thinks Lost in Space, Transformers 2, Catwoman (kept going on about how he thought Haley Barey was hot in it), and Batman and Robin are good movies. (BTW he once said the Batman movies suck because they kept changing the actor who played him, he also thinks Robin should be in the Christopher Nolan movies)

-Thinks I hate Spaceballs soley because I love Star Wars and would be offended by it parodying the original movies. (I actually like Spaceballs, but Hardware Wars is my favorite parody)

-One day I was talking with a teacher about how younger people today have no appreciation for older movies and he butted in by saying "Thats because we know whats good!"

-He always refers to movies like Dr.Strangelove, Metropolis, A Clockwork Orange, and a few others. As "movies no-one's ever heard of".

-Thought Gone with the Wind was about a dog.

-When I told him story is more important in a movie than special effects he told me I was crazy.

And the dumbest thing he has ever said is (and I quote):

-"If they remake a movie using today's technolgy it will be BETTER than the original."


I know those really have nothing to do with King Kong, so here a some things he said about that.

-Thinks Peter Jackson's version is better, and when I told him about how Jackson was inspired by it (therefore the remake would not exist without the original) he kept saying "The remake is better!"

-Kept going on about Kong in the '33 version "Looks like a stuffed animal they had do the stuff on the stage."

-When I told him about how no one had seen special effects like the ones in King Kong back in 1933 he said: "Well if you were to take the remake to back then they would be like (proceeds to make faces of exaggerated amazement)"

There you have it. I thought I might as well share my experience with someone so ridiculously uneducated about film.


And knowing all of this, he is going to graduate huh? Sobering thought.


-Thought Gone with the Wind was about a dog.

Okay, this made me laugh out loud? Why? WHY??? 😁

I hope this isn't a film class or that guy is gonna flunk!

There has been an awakening. Have you felt it?


And I'll bet the dope voted for Obama twice, lives in mommy's basement & litters this site with votes of 1 star for any movie that is of any quality


I bet he supports Trump in 2016.

Janet! Donkeys!


Did either of you get promoted to sixth grade?


One day I was talking with a teacher about how younger people today have no appreciation for older movies and he butted in by saying "Thats because we know whats good!"

This discussion probably happens in every high school every year.

I went to school in the 80s and I remember having a discussion with a teacher about how I thought movies "today" were way better than the old days - although I was huge fan of old movies so I didn't think they sucked. Still love this movie, the Universal horror movies, etc.


This classmate of yours sounds like a total and utter retard of the highest degree. Does he even have any fucking brain matter in that worthless skull of his lol? Never heard of such bullshit in my life.


We all went to school or worked with a few characters like that. They always go away to annoy someone else, somewhere else, eventually. He's probably working somewhere now, telling his co-workers about how much he loves Marvel Movies


Some people develop better taste as they get older. But some people don't. My generation was introduced to old movies by annual showings of The Wizard of Oz on TV. I'm not really into Sunset Boulevard or Citizen Kane, but I like Rear Window and Casablanca. There is no rule that says anyone has to like a movie just because it's considered a classic, but there are some really interesting old movies that they'll never see if they don't give them a try. Their loss.
