Overrated beyond belief?
I've seen this movie, and the 70's remake, and finally the Peter Jackson blockbuster, and every time I just sat there, staring at the screen, asking myself and those around me:
'What's the big deal?'
I don't hate the movie by any means, but I can't understand why so many people fangirl over this movie.
The most common excuse is 'the effects', which I grant you are very impressive, but other films with amazing effects include 'Star Wars', 'The Invisible Man', '2001: A Space Odyssey', and many others
But these films are praised for much more than their effects, for having amazing stories and characters and mythos and everything else.
So when you put it in perspective, does 'King Kong' have anything going for it other than it's effects? And I mean from a serious perspective. No 'HOW DARE YOU ASKDGJLSDKFG', legitimate serious points. I want a discussion, not an argument.