If remade?

Just for fun, though I do not like remakes, if this movie was now remade, who would you choose for the main characters?


Writing as I watch this for the dozenth time. Most of the choices already posted are inspiring!

Grusinskaya - Kirsten Dunst
The Baron - Kevin Kline, or Rupert Everett if he promises not to ham it up just this once
Flaemmechen - Carey Mulligan, or Katherine Heigl for something completely different
Preysing - John Travolta, or some bulked-up action hero for more fidelity to the beefy Beery original
Kringelein - Wm. H. Macy's my first choice, but I gotta give Dustin Hoffman an audition at least!
Dr Otternschlag - Steve Martin, or Garrison Keillor
Suzette - Linda Hunt
Bellman (Hersholt role) - Jack Black


Grusinskaya - Juliette Binoche
The Baron - Idris Elba or George Clooney
Flaemmechen - Michelle Williams
Preysing - Sean Penn or Dennis Quaid
Kringelein - Colin Firth
Dr Otternschlag - Tom Hanks

Darling, I am trouble of the most spectacular kind!


The Baron- George Clooney
Grusinskaya- Angelina Jolie
Otto Kirngelein- Paul Giamatti
Flaemmchen- Michelle Williams was a good idea. Maybe Carey Mulligan. Amy Adams would've been perfect 5-10 years ago but may be slightly too old now.


I don't know about remakes but half of me wouldn't mind seeing a movie remake as the Broadway musical that was done back in the 90s.

But some of these casting ideas are fantastic, I really like the idea of Cate Blanchett as Grusinskaya.

I could see Christoph Waltz as Preysing
