MovieChat Forums > Tim Walz Discussion > Abuses his own son at DNC

Abuses his own son at DNC

Look how this scumbag yanks his sons arm right on stage. The look on his face says it all, he straight up does a Bilbo Baggins going after the Ring. Video PROOF below. Awaiting all the people to rationalize this in support of child abuse.


Walz is an idiot leftist who allowed Minneapolis to burn and rioters to run amok; he set up a snitch line so people could rat out their neighbors for not wearing masks or for going out during covid; he abandoned his national guard unit before it deployed to a combat zone, then misled people into thinking he'd serve over there; he's a supporter of the transgender cult; he's running to continue the most incompetent and destructive administration in this nation's history; there's plenty to legitimately criticize him for. But look again at the clip: it looks like his son wasn't looking where he was going and was about to walk into the teleprompter, so Walz jerked him back before he blundered into it.

As I said, there's more than enough to slam Walz for, we don't need to make a lot out of nothing like this.


You have never even been to Minneapolis, magabuddy XD


Which, even if true, makes none of what I wrote false.


Most of your comment was straight up false garbage. Which doesn’t change the fact your cult leader is a creepy Epstein rapist


Everything I wrote was factually correct. Just knock it off with the "cult leader" nonsense. It's stupid I didn't want Trump on the ballot. He actually governed well, from a policy standpoint, but he brings a lot of personal baggage that I had hoped we could leave behind, and I figured it would make him a weaker, more vulnerable candidate. I'm interested in winning, not personalities. I would vastly have preferred DeSantis, as a governor with an extremely good record of building a conservative coalition in his state, but alas, that wasn't what a majority of the electorate decided.

So... I have no trouble supporting Trump against the cackling, inarticulate, empty-headed harpy that is Kamala Harris, who will only be a continuation of the most incompetent administration since that of James Buchanan, more than a hundred years ago.


I don't like Walz. I won't vote for him and Harris because they're both lying idiots. But that's not abuse. Anyone who thinks it is hasn't experienced or seen actual abuse.


Regardless of who I vote for, he "yanked" his son's arm as a reflective response to keep his son from hitting his head on the teleprompter. Nice try though.🙄


I would have a hard time calling this abuse.

This is all petty bullshit.
