MovieChat Forums > Laura Loomer Discussion > Doing her best to get Kamala elected!

Doing her best to get Kamala elected!

She posted about Haitians eating cats and dogs on X. Trump thinks she's a reporter and used it in the debate.


I find it fitting that Trump is taking the advice of a truly disturbed person who might ruin his election chances. Only so he can have sex with her.


Truly a democrat she is


She's jewish and likely a plant to throw him off.

It's the Epstein thing but in a different form.


It'S a JeWIsH cOnSpIRaCy!!!


Jews are a religious group of only 14 million people.

They dominate a wide variety of industries in the west and have been kicked out or many countries in the world.

In China it's illegal to be a jew.

So, put it all together.

Jeffery Epstein was likely an Israeli agent whose goal it was to blackmail famous people.

Give that a watch.

Religions are automatic conspiracies. Members belong to a fake nonsense story group that promotes they are the ones who know about reality while others don't. That's an automatic conspiracy against others.


Her best was apparently not good enough.
