Why Is Travis Kelce Being A Wigger
He is cultural appropriation of the Black Community why hasn't Mahomes or Hill called him out that on
shareHe is cultural appropriation of the Black Community why hasn't Mahomes or Hill called him out that on
shareThere's plenty of white guys who like black women. Not my preference but whatever floats your boat.
sharereally? i visit my migrant cousin last summer who live in western euro city and all i see in city streets is black man with white woman usually blond hahahahahahhahah. it appear even black man do not want black woman they always white woman hahahahah.
White people are just albino Black people
shareMy biggest complaint about wigrs is how they talk street when they aren't from anywhere near the streets.
Typically some loser scrub from the burbs trying to act hard.
Don't get me wrong, I likes me some black cherry ...dating them is a whole other story.