MovieChat Forums > Edward Snowden Discussion > let's hope he gets drafted and has to go...

let's hope he gets drafted and has to go fight in ukraine.

let's see how tough he is.


[I work in tech, not quite his level but I understand all this stuff]

So, you were cool with USA government breaking laws? Think Snowden is a terrorist?


Are you cool knowing every country on Earth breaks laws?

Snowden wasn't an elected person - he took it upon himself to divulge things that could put people in jeopardy. It wasn't his call what to reveal or when. That's why he's a piece of shit.


The only thing Edward Snowden revealed is that we are all under NSA surveillance.

So who did he put in jeopardy?




How so?



Yes he is comrade!


If these secrets cause harm to authoritative and oppressive governments and corporations, then for me it's SNOWDEN ALL THE WAY!!!


Victimization is strong with this one..


Statements like this are an update of one's mental illness. This person sits around playing violent themes in his mind about those he doesn't like, sometimes known as resentments. It's a horrible way to waste one's life.


I was glad Snowden let us all know the extent of the police state we live under. What bothered me was the people he ran to -- first, China, then Russia. His choice of friends makes him suspect.


Or he would have been in prison, like Julian Assange. Unlike Assange, Snowden worked for NSA, I think he knows how US state security operates and its reach.

Given those are the choices, what would you have done?


What I wouldn't have done is run to communist countries if I wanted people to think my motives were as pure as the driven snow.

Initially, if you will recall, he was all heroic and saying that he was going to come back to the mainland from Hawaii (his short stop before the CCP) and face whatever charges he had coming. Then our hero decided against it and just knew he'd be welcomed like a hero in China and Russia.

He can cry me a river.


So you would rather the hero who reveals the police state to you, to go to the prison of the said police state? The only way he could prove he is a good person is to let the bad people win? And set an example for whoever tries to be a hero in future?

Somehow your initial claim of against police state sounds insincere to me. You seem all for it.


I guess I'm going to have to wake up screaming in the middle of the night for having disappointed you. 🙄

I personally can't believe China let him go without getting some secrets out of him. And he gets to live in Russia for nothing? No, he had to be of strategic use to both of those countries.

I can understand why he wouldn't want to be Epsteined, but pretending that China and Russia are the only two countries he could go to isn't much of an argument. And yes, he shouldn't have claimed he was willing to come back and face the music if he wasn't. If it were me, I'd have scoped out where I was going to go before I blew the whistle. And it wouldn't have been China or Russia, speaking of police states.


If it were me, I'd have scoped out where I was going to go before I blew the whistle.

And where would that be? I think Julian Assange has proven that you would ended up in a prison cell anywhere else, with the trumped up charges they framed you with.

And it wouldn't have been China or Russia, speaking of police states.

And neither has the level of surveillance of USA government. Isn't that the irony?


"And where would that be?" You think someone with Snowden's knowledge could only come up with TWO alternatives?
"And neither has the level of surveillance of USA government. Isn't that the irony?" I'm sorry. I didn't know I was speaking to someone with top-level security clearance who knows the level of surveillance in China, Russia, and all other countries Snowden could have gone to. China's facial recognition and social credit system would seem to prove you wrong, though. I know less about Russia, but if you got China that wrong....

We can all see you can pin the needle on outrageously silly. There's no point in arguing with someone who thinks they know everything. So I'll let you have the last, all-knowing word.


China's facial recognition and social credit system would seem to prove you wrong, though.

Most mainstream reports on China (and Russia, Iran, North Korean, etc.) turned out to be lies. I don't know all of them, there are way too many, but China's social credit system has been exposed as a lie few years ago, it is not even hard to prove it, which I have done before:

China's facial recognition from what I read before is mostly for public transport. You can op to pay with facial recognition.

Ever since the beginning Journalism has been about lies and politics.

Thomas Jefferson wrote in 1807:"I will add that the man who never looks into a newspaper is better informed than he who reads them;"

Another is supposedly from Mark Twain: "If you don't read the newspaper, you're uninformed. If you do, you're misinformed."

They are all about the media lying to us, under the protection of "media freedom" and "freedom of speech", mostly for the benefit of their billionaire owners.

So to me it is better if we read the both sides, you could spot a lot of lies that way.


I rather penguinz0 and joe rogan volunteer. Hell how about NASA and every person at the Pentagon.


they are not "russian"


Butthead doesn't know the difference between NSA and NASA!


He is tougher than boot lickers like you can imagine...


based on what?


101019 posts at movie chat would be a good place to start. The complete stupidity of your post would be a nice second place to start.


he doesn't look that tough. just sayin.


1200 posts in 1 month.

That is painfully pathetic.

I Sincerely hope you’re a bot.


You are pro-vax mandate, pro-lockdown and pro-ukraine (and subsequently pro-war).
It's interesting - I've noticed that there are generally 2 camps - anti-vaxxers are generally anti-war, while provaxxers are pro-war, with Ukrainian flag pins, etc. An interesting split.


There are two camps: insane and sane! Being pro Ukraine and Israel does not make you pro war, just makes you anti fascist.


Let me guess - you are pro-israel


he was so full of himself he forgot he pledged not to reveal secrets; I feel no pity for this man if you can't do the time don't do the crime


He is for the PUBLIC INTEREST and not the GOVERNMENT INTEREST you gluttonist fool!!!!!!
