MovieChat Forums > Daisy Ridley Discussion > Daisy Ridley blacklisted from Hollywood?...

Daisy Ridley blacklisted from Hollywood?! Says Star Wars and Disney wrecked her career?!

Kathleen Kennedy strikes again! Daisy Ridley is complaining that she might be blacklisted from Hollywood?! She's getting plenty of voice actor work though...


There's still Chaos Walking.


She is no Keira Knightley


She was never gonna have a career. Just small movies like she was doing. She's lucky Star Wars money is gonna take care of her the rest of her life.

The promising career in danger of being destroyed is John Boyega's.


I doubt it. It's not unusual for actors to get a big franchise like that and then not really go anywhere professionally afterward.

Carrie Fisher had more success writing than she did acting after she did SW.

Mark Hamill's movie career wasn't very impressive, though he did have some success stage acting and doing voice over work.


Why did Star Wars not make Carrie Fisher and Mark Hamill giant stars? Why did they do so little film work in the ’80s and ’90s?


The fact that neither was good at acting plays a very big part in their fizzled careers. Then add in Hamill jacked up his face in an accident and Fisher got into drugs to the point she was a risk... I would say there were lots of reasons their acting careers never took off and it wasn't because they were in a big movie franchise. Frankly they were simply lucky to have been in the franchise because it did make them rich enough that it didn't matter that they sucked at acting.


Oh please, T.

The clickbait/misinformation and the certain trolls it clearly attracts... smh


She's full of shit. Not getting the work you want isn't anything at all akin to "blacklisted". I think she has had unreasonable expectations and thought that doing Star Wars would elevate her to A list and she could simply have her pick of projects. Not the case. She's a middle of the road talent, that's it She can probably do plenty of indie films and even ones with great scripts, as she is a name, and there are people who would value that and attaching her to their project to get some attention. And if she's good enough, she'll get better projects. But if she thinks she's going to be competing with Scarlett Johansson, Jennifer Lawrence, Saoirse Ronan, etc, she's out of her mind.


Rise of Skywalker would ruin anyone's career. The movie was horrible.


Since the movie came out I haven't seen or heard anything major out of Daisy Ridley or JJ Adrams.
