MovieChat Forums > Daisy Ridley Discussion > Be honest who else thinks shes never gon...

Be honest who else thinks shes never gonna work again after sw

I really hope she invested that star wars money




Thats true

Hope shes alright


Oh she'll definitely keep on working the only question is at what kind of level. It's interesting that she appears to have 7-8 films already lined up after Star Wars which may be wise planning by herself and/or others. I'm thinking there's a good chance there will be a successful post breakthrough career.


Depends on whether she’ll be able step out of the limited scope that is acting in a SW movie. This is something Harrison Ford was able to do. He was a movie star material all along, but had he bet it all on just Han Solo, he wouldn’t get nearly as far as he did.

At the moment I see her in a lead female role in a Romcom. I wouldn’t advise her to take on action roles, because she’s already typecast in one. As for more serious dramatic roles, I have no idea what she’s capable of.


Harrison Ford was 35 and had over 20 credits before ANH. Daisy already has two movies in post projection and two more announced. She will get more roles because of her Star Wars fame. It is up to her to make the most of it before she is tossed aside as being too old.


Versatility is the key. She ahould avoid typecast at all costs and establish own bona fides by taking on more dramatic roles.


Definitely, but it depends in what kind of career she wants to have and what kind if career she is allowed to have, which are very different things. Young women actors get discarded left and right all the time in favor of the next pretty face.

At any rate, even if she never gets another job she will still be plenty rich and plenty beautiful.


That "expiration date" issue for the women in the industry is a valid point. However, the question here is about her immediate future. She's 27 now, so how will it work out for her in the next couple of years?


She has two movies in post-production and two other projects announced.


Harrison Ford knew how to choose really good movies which helped. Mark Hamill chose two bad movies and his film career was over. Carrie Fisher didn't get much of an opportunity and turned to writing. Natalie Portman is doing well.

I just read Ripley's future movies' scenarios and they all sound interesting. She may have Ford's ability to pick good movies. We'll see.


Nonsense. Daniel Radcliffe still gets work and could barely act even as a kid.


She'll do porn.




with an ackbar




She will- all you need to succeed today is a pair of tits, then make up some self-pitying sex claim once you're rich and famous.


Doubtful. She'll probably go the same route as her genetic double Keira Knightley and do only costume dramas from now on.


Yes, she'll make all those weird movies that get a lot of prestige but nobody actually watches.


Says you. I've seen a few of them. They're pretty good.


I watch them. Many are really good and interesting.
