MovieChat Forums > Daisy Ridley Discussion > Daisy WILL NOT play Lara Croft in Tomb R...

Daisy WILL NOT play Lara Croft in Tomb Raider

Alicia Vikander has now been officially cast as Lara Croft for the new Tomb Raider movie.

This is very interesting. Just a couple of months ago, Daisy had said there was interest on her part, there had been talks, and that she was just waiting to hear back from whoever was in charge of things with Tomb Raider. Was it ever whispered that Vikander was in the mix? I wonder if its more like Daisy decided to pass, or the producers just ended up wanting Vikander more? I haven't seen Vikander in any of her movies, so I can't give any judgement on her abilities as an actress. She won an Oscar, so I imagine she has talent to spare. Imo, Daisy seemed to have a huge advantage, given her very public strength and physical training.

It could be that Daisy just didn't have the time for it; she's filming Ep. VIII now, would be filming Ep. IX in the near future, and just officially signed for The Lost Wife and the one Israeli book I'm forgetting the name of right now. Her plate seems to be very full, she just might have been too busy to take on one or more Tomb Raider movies.

Interesting news, to be sure. If Daisy had been cast, I would have definitely seen this movie, my first Tomb Raider movie. Now, I think I'd probably just wait until it comes to tv. What does everyone think? 


I am a bit sad that Daisy Ridley/Tomb Raider combo didn't work out. Was Alicia Vikander indeed the first choice for the role, as Variety reports? Or did Daisy decide to pass, either because of a scheduling conflict or lack of interest in the project?
Based on the fact that Daisy has had two projects announced recently, maybe the deal was never as close to fruition as the media led her fans to believe.
I wish Daisy were playing Lara. I think that another big and successful franchise can help her become a star in her own right and escape the infamous Star Wars curse. Indies are cool and all, but there's a big reason (Indiana Jones' sized reason) why Harrison Ford became a household name while Mark and Carrie's stardom faded away. Daisy still needs to become more than Rey to the general audience.
Alicia Vikander is a very good actress whom I admire. It makes a lot of sense to have her play Lara, fresh off from an Oscar win and Ex Machina's success. And yet... Well, there's no use wondering what could have been.


I think they made a bad decision.


Yeah, I'm a bit bummed by the news, too. I would have loved to hear of Daisy landing another big role.

The article I read first and linked to did not mention that Vikander was always the film makers' first choice. Several newer articles are saying that now. If that's the case, it almost seems like they were stringing Daisy along for the ride. That's not very professional on their part, imo. The makers certainly seemed tight-lipped, because Daisy's was the only name I heard mentioned about the role in the articles I read.

Maybe the makers were taking their time waiting and hoping for Vikander, and Daisy just decided to bail? I think that's very clever insight by you when you say the Daisy/Tomb Raider deal may never have been as close as we all thought. I do hope Daisy can continue to land good roles. At least with her two newly announced films, she'll be keeping busy.

Fortunately for Mark Hamill, he was able to channel his talents in to other mediums, voice acting most notably. Unfortunately for Carrie Fisher, she didn't fare as well at first. A lot of that was due to her addiction problems. What's great is that she's coping well, has been a successful author, and has a cute dog to support her. With the new Star Wars movies, Mark and Carrie will have success again, and that's wonderful to see.


Tough break for Daisy. Wonder what really went down? She must have already knew she didn't get the part that's why she picked up the other 2 film projects. Man, Daisy's already in shape too but judging by the director, he likes to pick the Scandanavian girls for his films.

Oh well, I hope the Daisy fans cut Alicia some slack and give her a chance instead of these negative comparisons I'm reading from comments on the internet.

Also, I'm just going to pretend that Daisy wasn't cast because she's too busy preparing to be the most awesome Jedi ever.


Yeah, could be that Daisy knew the writing was on the wall with her not getting the Tomb Raider role, so she quickly landed the two recently announced roles. Its a shame on some levels, because Daisy is fit as a fiddle; she would have nailed any of the physical requirements of playing Lara Croft.

Its not totally bad, though. The Lost Wife story sounds like it could be a really good one. Something for Daisy to really sink her acting chops in to. I'm a little more wary of the Kolanis (?) movie; it sounds like a cross between a romantic movie and a supernatural one. Not sure if that would work, but I do hope it turns out extremely well.

You won't hear me giving Vikander any grief. Good for her that she landed the role, and I wish her well in it. Its just that with Daisy as the lead, I would have definitely gone to see the movie in theaters. Now, I probably won't.

Rian Johnson said today that filming for Ep. VIII is half way done. They're much further along than I thought! I think you're right, though--Daisy is very busy doing her Star Wars stuff. I didn't say "Jedi," because Daisy herself said in a recent interview that she's not quite sure if she'll be a Jedi yet in Ep. VIII. Maybe she's just being allusively coy, though. 


lol, makes her management looks like fools for leaking the information she was one of the top choices, but maybe it was just a play to get a hesitant Alicia to sign


I think they made a bad decision.

Agreed. I just lost interest in this film.

"Queens Conquer"


She's the face of a whole franchise now. Maybe the Tomb Raider producers don't want a thing to do with SW? Because if Ridley were cast, everyone would be thinking of Star Wars when thinking of Tomb Raider.
