She looks like
Miley Cyrus
shareNo, she looks like Christina Applegate cirka MWC season one.
shareOmg that's exactly who I thought she looked like too!
shareKirsten Prout
sharea lot of christina and a bit of jennifer aniston
shareNo... Jennifer Connelly when se was young.
shareThrow in a dash of a young Denise Richards' eyebrows and you folks are spot on.
"The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist."
I just logged onto IMDB expressly to see if anyone else noticed the Christina Applegate resemblance. If you watch Streets and then Last Survivors, it looks like the same girl with different hair. Even her acting is similar, same facial expressions, all of it. Which, of course, is a very good thing...
shareCompletely agree. Maybe Christina has a lovechild, who knows?