MovieChat Forums > Colin Kaepernick Discussion > Thinks black lives matter but promotes c...

Thinks black lives matter but promotes child slave labor for multinational corporation Nike

Colin Kaepernick is just another scumbag who hates poor people and eagerly submits to the globalist corporatocracy. He's like the sonderkommandos in Nazi Germany, the Jews who shoved their own into the gas chambers.

Where is the truly brave celebrity who will take a stand against letting them do whatever they want to us? Their careers are destroyed. You can have your career destroyed for as little as eating at Chikafila instead of McDonnalds. In our society we're obsessed with virtue signaling, sucking up to the elites. John McCain was never once called islamophobic despite wanting to bomb all their countries. George Bush said he loved Islam. Donald Trump is the one guy resisting the media's calls for war with Syria. Guess who gets vilified. Actions ought to speak louder than words and when they don't we know who the real enemy is. Don't be fooled by leftism's nice diversity and friendly marketing. They hate you.


The left's tolerance campaign died two years ago. They've been ramping up the outrage and violence since then. If they would have started later and not showed their hand to the independent voters MAYBE HRC would have won the election. Water under the bridge.


Typical liberal hypocrisy.


Nike has cleaned up their labor situation massively over the past twenty years. Nice try, but this really isn’t a story anymore.


I was curious since you used the sardonic "Nice try."

There are still massive allegations and Nike still is really cheap with their labor. One below said they went from the 30s to the 50s (out of 100) so 'it's a start.' To be fair, this is going on throughout the fashion industry.


Don't expect much from a HATE PEDDLER.


Black lives matter. Asian lives... not so much ;)


Because Asians are too smart to play football. They are smart enough to know that statistically, you're much better off staying in school and either going into IT or running a 7/11, than the 10,000:1 odds of making it big in the NFL or NBA.
