Mila Kunis look-a-like
That's how she looks in Goosebumps
Agreed. We just watched Goosebumps and I was here checking to see if they are related.
shareThat's exactly what I said tonight when I saw Goosebumps!!
shareYes she is! Saw the movie on opening night. Loved the film. Enjoyed her performance in it. I hope her career survives the comparison. I remember how much LeeLee Sobieski was compared to Helen Hunt years ago. It didn't do her career much good.
shareI saw the movie and thought wow Mila Kunis is still young looking enough to play a teenager, lol.
shareYES!!! she looks even more so in the giver. That's the first place I saw her and she is spot on!
shareDefinitely looks like her. She's very pretty! Just like Mila.
Came here to start this thread and you already beat me by almost 3 months.
shareBeat me to it! lol