The New Strategy

Never accept loss. Just make excuses and blame people who don't shill for the pentagon.


I think she'd rather take some buckshot to the face than admit defeat.


then she needs to go hunting with her old man


I know, "never accept loss" is the new normal for a lot of Republican political candidates. Not Liz Cheney, though, she called the winner and conceded that she had lost.


Seems this "new" normal is an established D strategy, don't be mad coz the Rs are playing you with your rules


lefties as usual with no self-awareness


Oh I don't know, I think they're aware. You're more charitable than me, I think they're just duplicitous cunts most of the time who flip flop to whatever position gives them an advantage, hypocrisy be damned.


While I would never vouch for their honesty, since they never look at themselves they set themselves up for serious hypocrisy.


I agree. I think they know exactly what they're doing.


It happens too consistently to be coincidence imo, they're either unaware and fucking stupid or fully aware and hypocrites.


I agree.

When they started with the 'slut shaming' and 'fat shaming' nonsense, they were conditioning themselves to feel no shame about anything. Including lying.

Ultimately, I'm embarrassed for them. Lack of shame, lack of humility, ultimately, amounts to a lack of humanity.


Spot on. Sometimes feeling ashamed is the appropriate response to bad behaviour and removal of that can only warp perception of what is acceptable and what isn't. And here we are today with drag queen story time, children on the same drug they use to castrate sex offenders and all other manner of degeneracy that's celebrated when it should be shamed.


So well freaking said. You're absolutely correct and I 100% agree.

The Left's whole promotion of taking "pride" in their shame has led to the absolute degeneration of societal standards and the degradation of any kind of moral principles to keep people from being a profane sybarite.


Just look at this!

Simply child abuse, but the degenerates on the left will have you believe this child, at 2yo, decided they were born in the wrong body and managed to perfectly articulate that to their, merely coincidentally, trans activist trans parents.


Yup, it's the same thing when gay men adopt a baby and then the child miraculously turns out gay when they get older. It's like, who didn't see that coming?

It's disgusting child grooming, and as you said, degeneracy of the highest order from the Rainbow Reich.

If you dare say anything about it you could lose your communication privileges in online social media forums or, worse yet, your livelihood, if you attempt to get proactive in publicly speaking out about it.


honestly, the left targets the gullible and easily manipulated. I think a lot of them are unaware of it.


Yeah, all those republicans looking to the sky and screaming after the 2016 electio...oh, wait...


Well, there is always 2020.


lol so true, also have you considered that you're a massive fag?


Why, are you looking for a pen pal?


Don't be so heterophobic


And the 2008, and the 2012 elections. Republicans can only win by bribery and cheating and activating masses of ignorant people who don't know any better.


Democrats are poison for America


Facts and experience say otherwise. The country was on the right track until Republicans started taking over the media and the business community.

Inequality began to rise. CEO pay moved into the hundreds of times multipliers.

Housing become unaffordable.
Healthcare become unaffordable.
Education become unaffordable.
Politics became violent and divisive.

The problem with Republicans is that they will accept your kind of insults and accusation as fact when there are no facts behind them.


"Everything this guy said is bullshit"


taking over the media? lol, thats by far the funniest thing you have ever said.


Sadly, that is not the most false, pointless or useless thing you've ever said ... that's up for grabs every day.


most false? I am not sure what that even means....anyways...

fun facts:

CNN - liberal
MSNBC - liberal
ABC - liberal
CBS - liberal
NBC - liberal
SNL - liberal
Hate night TV - liberal
PBS - mostly liberal
Facebook - liberal
Twitter - liberal

FOX - conservative

as you can see, liberals control the narrative in America and a lot of stupid people believe the lies.


She should accept that she aligned herself with a far left radical cult and that’s why she lost. She should go away, learn her place and shut her trap.

I wonder who the DemoKKKrats are now going to use for their token RINO on their fake Jan 6 kangaroo court?


She said she's going to run for president, which is pretty scary.

Also, didn't she throw her lesbian sister under the bus to win an election?


She threw the country under the bus just so the DemoKKKrats would think she was cool. I’m glad she lost although if the DemoKKKrats want her they can have her.


I don't think the Dems want her. She is too red, just not bat-crap crazy like Trump and his RINO bootlickers.


She’s not crazy enough for the Demokkkrats that’s why they don’t want her


You can tell this Chat dude is clearly about clickbait and a troll with the idiotic KKK addition - he's got the wrong party for that.......and now get ready, 1, 2, 3...there is going to be a line about the past Democratic Party because the user is clearly too ignorant to understand historic changes of political parties in the US......


Not at all, I am being very accurate. The Republicans today are mostly moderate, the DemoKKKrats are now radically left and their tactics are just as bad as the Nazis and the KKK. I’m sorry the truth hurts but that’s liberal fragility for you.
