Los Angeles is…
shareThis was literally prophetic.
shareWhat the hell was she doing in Ghana, no doubt on the taxpayer’s dime, while her city was on fire? Do these idiot politicians ever get their priorities straight?
You surprise me. Certainly diversity and inclusion are more important than piss-ant things like fires??
So true. What was I thinking?
Diversity and inclusion are very important to the LA fire Department. I saw a clip recently on YouTube where they talked about having a diverse and inclusionary fire department so people can “feel good” about themselves and “ feel like part of their community”. Sure, hire all the women and minorities who are capable.
But if I am in a burning building five stories up, I want the firefighter who throws me over his shoulder and carries me down five flights of stairs to be built like an NFL linebacker. Don’t want some hundred lb. girl with “high self esteem” trying to save me.😳
You can’t hire capable people by first requiring that they be a certain sex, color, whatever.
Doing so immediately reduces the pool of candidates to a subset that doesn’t include the best.
DEI results in incompetent candidates like Karen Bass and Kamala Harris.
Can’t be otherwise.
I give all the credit to my crystal ball. I’m just the messenger.
shareGone before the next election.
shareShe is inept ..
shareon fire