Hips a tad to wide

Proof: https://i.redd.it/x4gpzeyba1g71.jpg

She'll do as a mistress for the elder actors but it's time Hollywood fishes for some more supple and in-shape cast members. Kurylenko et al. aren't getting any younger and can only last so long!




Nah they are perfect



Everyone has their own tastes (personally, I think her hips are perfect; but I like curves).

Still, the body-shaming BS is unnecessary. Why does every dude feel compelled to point out every *perceived* physical flaw in a stunningly beautiful woman, as if those women were 'created' for his own personal gratification? Who is he giving notes to? God?


People critique everything. It's human nature. People shame car brands, sports teams, movies, celebrities, etc., etc., etc. It's human nature and it's really no big deal. I'm sure the shamees are shamers, too.


They do, but it's a dick-move, especially when it comes to body-shaming women. It's particularly laughable when the women is clearly much better-looking than the vast majority of the population (NOT that I approve of body-shaming under ANY circumstances, and, arguably, it's worse and more hurtful when the individual being shamed is *genuinely* 'homely' or 'weird-looking').


I guar-rone-tee you, she shames men and women, with her friends in real life.


Good for her. But she probably isn't posting body-shaming messages on a social media forum for everyone to see.


It's still shaming. Even if people aren't "posting it", it's still there, still cancerous and it will never go away. This lovey-dovey utopia you envision will never happen as long as there is evil in the human heart. I know you don't believe in God, but this world and all it's evil will pass away. It's up to you to decide how you'll prepare for that.


She is an actress and this is a movie chat site. Her flaws make her less fit for the screen. Your lard fetish is irrelevant for general box office prediction.


'Lard fetish'

FFS! She's hardly 'fat' by *any* stretch of the imagination. And, at the risk of joining in this pervy male forensic BS, her hips are appealing because they stand out. Why would you want all women to look the same?


It's just harsh language for the lulz.


Can we start purging stupid phrases like "body shaming" from the language already? It's keeping people infantile and stupid.


They be fine birthing hips!

