MovieChat Forums > Gal Gadot Discussion > I liked that she stood up for her countr...

My penis is big

Is not a news related to this thread but i just found out today, i always have tought my penis was regular size but apparently is big ¿how cool is that?

Well that is it for me i hope you all have a great day or should i say a big day like mine


I'm so sick of the BS Palestinian apologists, victimology that has held the Palestinians back, but for some weird, unknown reason the Left seems to support the Palestinians totally blocking out that every time conflict breaks out it is started and escalated by the Palestinians, and every time the Palestinians end up farther behind and the losers.

One might think that after all this time Pals might at the very least remove the Hamas charter which publicly states and has stated for decades that their goal is the destruction of the state of Israel, and not peace or a Palestinian state?

It seems the Palestinians are poor ignorant people stuck with a puppet government manipulated by large more powerful Islamic states who want to keep them around to attack Israel because they themselves ( Iran mostly ) cannot without drawing war on themselves.

Like somehow Israelis are supposed to accept missiles being fired at them like they should enjoy them like fireworks, or accept that Palestinians walking among them will sometimes pull out knives and cut and kill as many Israelis as they can, and then there are the suicide bombers.

The only think I can align with the Right-wing on is their support for Israel, which is so peculiar because as the Left seems to always support the Palestinians, who are anything but liberal, the Right supports Israel a democracy while fighting democracy at home. Is the world screwed up?


Israel has Far Left and Far Right Parties. Israel itself is a good example of a nation that implements Socialist policies for its citizens yet you won't here the Rightwing American media or GOP bring this up. That's why they always project Venezuela as some kind of Socialist model that Democrats are going to bring onto Americans.

My view on this whole bullshit conflict is that Israel's religious preclusion as a Jewish-State will always be used against them in the Muslim dominated Middle-East and their Muslim followers around the globe. That's why they're so heavily armed and militarily advanced than the rest of the M.E., including the Oil Monarch Thugs around the Persian Gulf. The Left in the US are just being wet nurses because they cry for the civilians who are trapped between Hamas and Israel.


> Israel itself is a good example of a nation that implements Socialist policies for its citizens yet you won't here the Rightwing American media or GOP bring this up.

Great point. Israel has the lower infection rate of Covid-19 in the world, around 1 in 100,000.

> Israel's religious preclusion as a Jewish-State will always be used against them in the Muslim dominated Middle-East

Another insane irony ... all of those Islamic Republics are vicious tyrannies of religious, whereas the Jewish religion is nothing like that ( except for the extremists nuts who are dangerous )

Iran is pledged to destroy Israel. I will never understand how the Palestinians became a Leftist political issue ... the Palestinians are not democratic, they are not Liberal, they are not socialist, they are supported by extremists Islamic puppet masters in Iran, and locally by thugs whose power emanates from machine guns, not democracy. They raise their children like child-soldiers in corrupt African nations - a human rights abuse. It is insane.

I can understand feeling compassion for those civilians who never learn what is going on and are stuck in Palestine as human shields, but the only way to help those folks, if there even is a way, is to cut the domination from Iran and Syria.


The American Left is better served feeling sorry for poor Latin Americans, but for some reason their suffering is at the bottom of the priority list.

Palestinians would actually fair off better if they accepted and recognized Israel and demanded Israeli citizenship. That way the onus is on Israeli Jews to prove that their democratic process of inclusion is for real, but as it stands now the Palestinian culture is dominated by anti-Israel rhetoric predicated on Islamic dominated rule.

Religion is as toxic today as it was during the Crusades and the war with the Ottomans


The problem is that their leadership is paid to screw them over and make them virtual child soldiers. They claim victimhood and genocide when they have one of the highest birthrates of any groups in the world ... which also does to serve them well in a limited poor land.

The Hamas charter says it plainly - their goal before peace, and before Palestinian statehood is the destruction of the state of Israel.

Israel does have Palestinians representatives in their government that they try to work with as possible. It is not perfect, but Palestine does not even allow Israelis/Jews to live in the country, but complains about Israel's ethnic cleansing.

It is not the region that is toxic is the formation of the Islamic religion, extremist version, that is a low-tech versions of totalitarianism that crushes the individual. The Jewish tradition of freedom and inquiry came out of this region, but they were not dominated by a military general ( Mohammed ) but dominated if anything by questioning and thought.

Every religion has its crazies, but Isalm takes the cake. Branches of Christianity are pretty bad too, and then there are the strict orthodox Jews ... but they are a small minority. Most Jews today are secular is my understanding, and also more true of Christians, but Muslims have the state on top of them from birth - totalitarian - keeping them static and militarized.


The woke mob is insufferable..Any normal person can't find any fault with what she said as there is no fault to be had. Yet these woketards still act like idiots


