Why is she famous?

Average looks, average singing voice, average songs. Why is she famous again?


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I can name a bunch of woman with average faces, she doesn't have an average face. Admittedly it's all about taste but still. True Grit, did you see True Grit?


I would LOVE to live on the planet where her looks are average! She is gorgeous!


You do realise she's an actress?


Looks are not the only thing to make it big, Hailee Steinfeld is a natural beauty much better than others with botox face, plus she's a very talented actress, why is she famous again, her singing career, ever since Pitch Perfect 2, and she will return in Pitch Perfect 3


She got lucky with "True Grit" and became famous. However, she is fading.


She is a Hollywood actress who was nominated for an Academy Award in her first feature film at the age of 14. She's also a musician.


I Have liked Hailee since seeing her in true grit ay the movies in march 2011 i think in NZ.And when i like an actor or musician etc..its usualy or mostly for life for me,like jimi hendrix for music from the mid 80s or so,or actors like,harrison ford,john wayne,robert de niro etc.. from seeing them first at the pictures or on tv the whenever those years where?.

I liked her first for the acting in true grit,and other movies seen,not all yet.Need to get some at the library(rent), or watch on youtube etc..or they may come on tv too.And i do think she looks beautiful too,like her brown hair,dark eyes,even though i admit im way older,40+,still mostly the acting and her personality etc...seen on videos etc...,just seems so friendly an sweet and nice.

And liked pop music for ages along with my usual blues,rock etc...more recent pop and such with kelly clarkson and jessie ware.So had no idea hailee was getting into music till saw love myself video in maybe august onwards of 2015.Like had no internet at home then till december 2015,and had some for 6 months in 2014,but not any hailee socical media then im sure maybe twitter?.but not on it hardly?.But yea saw video on music show and yea was alright,catchy over time,liked rock bottom song more,and starving song catchy too,some others herd like more.But not sure i will buy the music,when i get it free on youtube,i could buy the album as digital download when it comes out maybe next year?.

