MovieChat Forums > Gina Carano Discussion > She's gone full blown conspiracy loon.

She's gone full blown conspiracy loon.

The moment they lost control of the covid narrative.
Cue a war.

Straight from one crisis to the next.

A scripted reality show sacrificing innocent lives for unquenchable greed.

Endless power grabs.
No accountability.
Devastated economies.

Never give up freedom for fear.

What on earth is she talking about? The war is a scripted crisis by governments to retain power from the citizens, now that they have to loosen the COVID restrictions?


You just want her to be a liberal fuck like you and your LQDBTQDF lesbian and fag friends. Thank God she normal, oh she's normal if you are shitting your pants over her, im in love.


I support Gina Carano 100%


Me too.

I canceled Disney+ after they fired her. For me, it was the last straw for Disney and the last straw for Disney-era Star Wars.

I've been meaning to subscribe to Daily Wire to watch her new movie. Maybe I should do that tonight.


Good man!
