Trump/Carano 2024
Way better than Biden/Harris LOL!
shareI could grab two homeless people from under the bridge that would be better for America and Western Civilization as a whole than Biden/Harris.
I've thought of this before. Having a raffle for senators and congress critters and even presidents. How bad could that actually be. Could it be any worse??????
Trump is not running in 2024. Republicans need to find another candidate, preferably someone who won't be their own worst enemy. Neither is Biden, as he's already stated he will only be serving one term, probably because he is ancient.
shareTrump had all the media gone full fake news against him, and they still needed to rig the election to win it. With all his flaws, Trump is good.
shareYikes. You still think it was rigged? I voted for him, but there is zero evidence.
shareUsually, there's no way to obtain evidence when an election is rigged. Rigging elections has happened more than once in latin american countries. And I have yet to see the first one where they find evidence.
The way you know an election was rigged by (1) lack of safety measures and (2) statistical irregularities. It's the election system the one that must prove itself to be safe and solid.
In the case of US, the system during the last election was really shitty. You deny access to observers when you're counting votes and... it's fine, no problemo... sorry, but WTF?. In any civilized country, that alone would disqualify an election. Second, and more important, particularly in mail vote: tracking ballots. You have a ballot, you should know exactly who were the people who casted those votes. You can't track each vote individually, but you know that this ballot with votes here belongs to that group of people there. Or you should know, at least. Worst case scenario, if the results in the ballot seem to be completely irregular, you could call those voters, ask them to cast their vote again in a new ballot and compare the result.
In mail voting, you do that by keeping the envelopes. So here you have this ballot with votes, and here you have the envelopes and the list of people who casted those votes. Except that didn't happen. So you have ballots with votes, and who casted them? Where are the envelopes and the lists? Are those votes real mail votes? Who knows? Who the fuck cares?... well, WTF???
Now add the statistical irregularities in key cities, the ones suddenly slowed down the counting and didn't finish until two days later, the ones that decided the election. If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck...
PS And the funny part is that the system is not gonna change. If anything, it'll become looser. So good luck with it, from now on.
Bravo! That would be a worthwhile post, except for the fact that it's completely false!
There is NO part of what you said that's true. It's not worth going point by point; you clearly have no ability to discern fact from fiction, or apply critical thought. Good luck to you.
I think we can at least agree he has quite the imagination lol. And its entertaining to read!
shareBravo! That would be a worthwhile post, except for the fact that it's completely false!
LOOOL. . .I *love* the fact that you think you're proving something, here. The image of you sitting back from your keyboard, smugly, with your arms crossed over your chest, is HILARIOUS.
But to get back to reality: You do yourself no favors mentioning Georgia in ANY discussion of election fraud. Because you'll eventually have to get around to the fact that they recounted votes THREE TIMES. And went through countless other audits you probably don't even know about/understand. Georgia, in excruciating particular, is absolutely the Prime Case for "wow, look. . .this really Was a fair and free election." NOWHERE in the country was there more scrutiny; nowhere else was it more apparent that Trump LOST. They tried EVERYTHING, failed miserably, then the orange idiot actually got recorded trying to fix the results Anyway.
Yeah. No. You fail. You should just stop, really. . .unless you're insistent on embarrassing yourself.
You are beyond help if you think Trump actually won.
shareTrump is not running...Ivanka is.
shareyou have caught my attention
shareLets not go crazy.
sharePut Carano on top.
That sounds odd.
Carano/Trump 2024