MovieChat Forums > George Noory Discussion > renewed his contract will continue to ho...

renewed his contract will continue to host

coast to coast am.


Good at what he does but favors extreme RW sponsors. I understand biz is biz but come on, constantly plugging "news-max" amongst other crackpots.
And George's nightly putting down of the COVID vaccine is a disservice to the Med community that has to deal with all these sick people. Noory will likely catch COVID this winter no matter how isolated he --attempts to--stays.


That shouldn't even be the complaint about his hosting of the show. It's that he's not as good as Art Bell at what he does.

Try to stop basing everything on which "team" you're on, you seriously limit your enjoyment of life.


If I did that I wouldn't listen. He's the one who does that when he discourages vaccination.


It’s a shame, he’s a terrible interviewer a lousy Host.

Art Bell was the master of making the odd interesting.

Today Knapp and Punnet are about the only hosts worth listening to. Noory really needs to let it go.


He just re-uped. He's not going anywhere unless he gets the dreaded flu (Knapp's quite good). Art was something else (RIP).


George announced this morning that he will be revealing the supplements he's taking in order to ward off COVID on his Thursday 1/13 1.00am show.
He is taking a be chance if he is truthfully shunning the Vax process at his age. He said his son has already got both versions of COVID.


My parents both recently entered their 70s. Both weren't vaxxed and got covid last Christmas. I was with them.

Bottom line is that we all exited the situation with minimal effects.

There's a reason that Big Pharma loves the vaccine.


Coast to Coast was good with Art Bell because it wasn't political. Noory has went off the deep end with the RW conspiracy nonsense. Too bad,


When I first started listening to Coast to Coast circa 2003, Noory's voice was the one I heard first and I liked him a lot at first. To me, he was THE host of C2C and I was a fan. But the more I listened to the show, the more I realized that he actually kind of sucks and that, as you say, Art, Knapp and Punnet were much better.

I actually haven't listened to the show now in years and I'm sure that's largely because Noory just seems to sleep walk through each episode, gives responses that feel canned, and never expresses any skepticism or questions his guests when they make outrageous claims.
