MovieChat Forums > Michelle Obama Discussion > Michelle Obama or Jackie Kennedy?

Michelle Obama or Jackie Kennedy?

Which former First Lady do you like better?


I prefer Jackie to Mike anyday. But JFK preferred Marilyn.


Neither. Both were stuck up rich bitches that didn't deserve the fame and fortune they got.


High Five!


"Both were stuck up rich bitches that didn't deserve the fame and fortune they got."

Lol, Amerigirl! Spoken just like a girl!!!

I thought women had voted to ditch all that female jealousy stuff and join the sisterhood? :)


I would, if they weren't so unlikable. Jackie was known for being the "Don't you know who I am?" kinda person when she didn't get her way, and Michelle was an F-ing mooch who loved going on vacations and living like some pseudo-queen on the taxpayer's dime. For anyone to call them "classy" or "heroes" is not only lying, they are totally ignoring women who truly do deserve the honor of being called "heroes" or "champions for women."


You mean, "Truly do NOT deserve the honour".

Anyway, I'll have to take your word for Jackie, since I'm not an American. But back in the day, when she was current news, I always got the impression she was a kinda shy girl with very little assertiveness. Of course, I only got my info from newsreels and TV news.

Being slightly better acquainted with the Obama woman, I can believe that about her utterly.


Oh believe , Jacki was NOT shy! But she was a woman of the era who embraced her role as a politician's wife. That meant she stood behind JFK both literally and figuratively.

Her clothes and hairstyles and her famous pillbox hats were copied by women across America. But Jackie was not one for being interviewed or discussing her personal life. I think she liked being admired from afar.

She didn't give speeches or offer her own opinions in public. She felt that her duty as his wife was to make the President's home life relaxing and pleasant and a respite from the pressures of his office.

Jackie did not really relish the role of First Lady. In fact she never wanted to be referred to by that title either spoken or in print. She wanted to be called Mrs. Kennedy.
She said, "First Lady sounds like a saddle horse." lol She was an avid horsewoman.

During her time in the White House, the Second Lady, Lady Bird Johnson, LBJ's wife, took on a lot of the duties of the First Lady. Jackie did not like the ceremonial duties she was expected to perform.


Thanks, PJ, that's very enlightening. Jackie must have had something of a droll sense of humour too, with that "saddle horse" observation.

Can't say I'd fault her for liking to be admired from afar. Pretty much all attractive women share that trait. Some unattractive ones do, too. And her view of her duty seems perfectly appropriate as well, for the era.


Haven't met either but only one said that she was never proud to be an American ... until she got out of the White House.


Jackie. Not even a contest.


Jackie, Michelle wouldn't even make the list.


Another trick question?

There's no comparison. And everybody, if they're honest, knows it.

The Obama woman isn't even in the race.


LOL. Seriously? Michelle Obama has no class compared to Jackie Kennedy. I can't think of a single first lady since or living politician who has that much class.

Today's culture is extremely toxic. Even the lowlifes of that era had more class. The Obamas were just as toxic, if not more so toxic than any other first couple in our lifetimes.


Jackie, if only for the fact that she knew her place (that she was NOT elected to office), restored the White House, represented our country abroad with class and style and mostly smiled and kept her mouth shut! All a First Lady has to do!
