How much do you think she weighs now?
0% chance Big Amy is under 180lbs.
shareWhy does it even matter? How much do you weigh?
shareIt matters because she's on TV, presenting harmful body image. I weight 210. Now answer the question.
shareAre you a guy or a chick? If you're over 6ft tall 210 is nothing. So looking non anorexic for the public is "harmful body image"? Hate to break this to you but not every woman can look like a super model and why do all women have to look the same and have a certain body type to appease to a person's so called "body standards"? I think the world would be a very boring place if every woman weighed or looked the same. Also, not every man(or woman) is attracted to super thin women.....sorry but it's true.
shareWe don't put every woman on TV. Her neck is fatter than Seth Rogan's. That's not a body type. That's a disease. Metabolic syndrome.
Now how much does she weigh? You know, you can admit she weighs a lot and still defend her, rather than this silly pretense that she's not fat but it would be okay if she was. Try it. You'd be surprised how liberating it feels to be factually correct instead of politically correct.
I'm not being PC dude, just pointing out the'd be surprised at how liberating that feels. I don't play the stupid so called "PC" vs "non PC" game, I look at the world the way it really is and tell it like it is.....everything is not as simple as you think it is. Believe what you want to believe.....I don't give a shit. "We don't put every woman on TV"....yeah, what's your point? The media still paints a false picture of how a woman "should look" and expects young girls to try to live up to expectations, genetically, that are impossible to meet and I'm not talking about obese women either, plus size is not morbidly obese or a "disease".....there's a difference. Plus size IS a body type whether you believe it or not. Prove me wrong or shut up. You sound very pretentious, arrogant and fickle, you didn't fully answer my question tall are you and are you a man/woman? If you're very short and weigh 210 have no room to talk.
If true then she weighs approximately the same as your virgin, undrained nuts will for you entire life.
sharenot very much ........ for a sperm whale