MovieChat Forums > Elizabeth Warren Discussion > Elizabeth Warren bashers are just mindle...

Elizabeth Warren bashers are just mindless, uninformed Trump cultists

Warren changed her listed ethnicity to Native American in December 1989, nearly three years after she was hired as a white woman by the University of Pennsylvania Law School.

"the resulting vote set Warren on her way to becoming a national figure and a favored target for conservative critics, among them, notably and caustically, President Trump"

Yes, the "President" who insults and berates people publicly, like a high school bully with the power to have his immature insults broadcast to the nation.

"In the most exhaustive review undertaken of Elizabeth Warren’s professional history, the Globe found clear evidence, in documents and interviews, that her claim to Native American ethnicity was never considered by the Harvard Law faculty"

The idea that she used this Native American ancestry to advance is just one example among MANY of the TRUE "fake news" which is spread by the right-wing, which now consists of people desperate to destroy everyone they disagree with, whether they use facts or rumors or outright lies.

They are happily encouraged by having a "leader" who is a clinical compulsive liar, who even denies his own televised public statements if they become inconvenient to him.

The same man who claimed for the last 4 years of Obama's tenure that the dropping unemployment numbers were a hoax, who said over and over again that he had proof they were fake, even claiming this hoax in December 2016, and then LITERALLY in less than a month after being sworn in, he was suddenly taking credit for the exact same numbers.

He even tries to use this to appeal to non-whites to cover up his own White Nationalistic tendencies. He claims that "black unemployment" is down while completely ignoring everything he said for 4 years about unemployment numbers being faked, doctored figures to make people feel better.

Was he lying then, or is he lying now?

The truth is that he's always lying.

The truth is that he's always insulting and degrading other people.

His followers and worshipers are exactly that kind of person. They lie, they insult, and they degrade.

They are Deplorables.

There was a user on this site (not this board) who seemed reasonable for a time until the user saw that FAKE NEWS "Portland Antifa" Youtube video which was actually people protesting against a killing by Police. Nothing Antifa related, nothing related to the description of the video which was suggesting that it was an official Democratic Party activity (literally).

This user decided to create and post a literal ANTI-LIBERAL MURDER FANTASY where the user would feel justified in MURDERING a "LEFTIST" simply because the guy was holding a metal rod.

That's the kind of insane mentality I hear from Trump supporters constantly... from people who even SEEMED rational and easy to talk to.

The best part is how they nitpick tiny illusory lies that are nothing but Trump's FAKE NEWS, like this Warren story, yet they ignore all the constant lies SPEWING from THEIR PRESIDENT.



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{Orange man bad=True?*[You are racist] }
[You are sexist]$Reset.[You are nazis]


You're a blatant sock account and your posts here are worthless. Get lost.


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You're very obviously one of those "people" who has nothing intelligent to say, so you choose to troll. You have no personality, so you adopt whatever troll personality you can whip up. You have no social skills or ideas or insights, so you give up even trying.

That's your entire life: You gave up. You're not even forgettable. To be forgettable, you'd have to be remembered first, and THEN forgotten.

I can't remember a single fucking post you've ever made. I see your username, which you thankfully modeled as one of those obvious sock-troll usernames that no normal person in their right mind would choose (unless ironically), and I'm reminded again of your existence.

Literally, if you stopped posting on this site, I would never notice.

I doubt anyone would notice.

It fits you.


And you're obviously a NPC


You just used a term you used in one of your other troll accounts recently.

Worthless POS.


Or maybe you're so programmed everyone is either a Nazi or Troll to you NPC's


Says the obvious troll responding to my attacks on one of his other accounts.


I saw lieawatha trending and come here and the first post is you ranting like a lunatic. Can't wait to see you after the midterms LOLOLOLOL


Froggy has met her match! Wouldn't be surprise if this were AI, Trump Derangement is so easy to mock.


Elizabeth Warren isn't Native American. She's a lying bitch plain and simple.

As for Trump "bullying" people, the left needs to grow up and learn how to take the hits, they sure don't have any problem dishing them out. There's an old saying if you can stand the heat you'd better stay out of the kitchen.


I didn't vote for Trump, and I CAN'T STAND Elizabeth Warren.

It's so hilarious watching grown adult politicians argue if one is 1% Native American like we are in fucking kindergarten.

Here's an idea...shut the hell up and do your jobs assholes!

I don't give a shit about any of your demographics! Our society is so beyond screwed it almost isn't funny anymore...almost.


Senator Pocahontas actually less than .1 percent Native American.


The point is, she fraudulently lied about it for personal gain.


I know, and she's a piece of shit socialist too. It's embarrassing.

I will never vote for anyone with a socialist label. Not old man Bernie, none of them. Just because someone worked hard and earned a good living does NOT give you the right to take their money. I feel very strongly about that.

It's sad that most young college aged kids today are in such support of socialism. Old man Bernie, Warren, AOC, they have a cult of zombies following every moronic word they say. It's tragic.


The colleges are there to indoctrinate them with their leftist agendas.


Sorry, leftist drone. Warren is a lying crook, and she will not be president in 2020, or ever. Take a pill and get over your Trump Derangement Syndrome.


Deplorables. WON.
