MovieChat Forums > Nancy Pelosi Discussion > A congress full of 80 years Olds and out...

A congress full of 80 years Olds and out of work bartenders

Pelosi's extended cognitive malfunction.

if you shouldn't be driving a vehicle past a certain age
you certainly shouldn't be in politics past a certain age either


I don’t think there will be much change in our government until the old guards of the deep state retire or die off. They are out of touch with the issues and don’t give a shit how their policies affect American citizens.


The deep state don't die off.

Generations of humans do. Yes.


Nothing in your imagination dies off, because it was never true to begin with.


Says one of the most out of touch with the truth people on MC.


Says someone without the intelligence to make that judgement, but who is always insulting and lying like a typical Right-Winger.


What lies would you be referring to? Your butt buddy, Komrade Keeloid also accused me of (lied) making racist posts and slunk away, countless times when I called her out for proof. Let's see if you do the same.


> Your butt buddy, Comrade Keeloid

There ... there is one, right adjacent to more of your garbage. That didn't take long.


As I already knew, you're the liar.


"out of work bartenders"
And, DRUNKS ! 🍹🍺🍸 ❗


Eagerly awaiting the day I never have to see or read about her ever again.


Dianne Feinstein
Born: June 22, 1933 (age 88 years)

Charles Ernest Grassley
September 17, 1933 (age 88 years)
would be seeking his 8th 6-year term in the office, this is why nothing ever changes in Congress

people in congress seem to live forever, I have wondered what kind of special injections they are getting...


Adrenochrome no doubt. Probably young blood transfusions too.


These elected officials should never reach such levels of wealth.

And absolutely shouldn't make it a life time career. Get a real job...

Its obvious she had done a lot of insider investments


Who made you the authority that decides which jobs are real or not?


A person's life goal should not be getting rich off of tax payers. So i have to agree with bloodworth, they need to get real jobs.


Rich people usually don't have "real jobs", they have investment portfolios and get cash from dividends.


Where do you think they get the capital to start those portfolios? She built her wealth on taxpayer dollars.


Maybe she got a small loan of one million dollars... just like Trump.


Trumps dad was rich, and either way, it isn't the taxpayers dollar. I'm not sure why you want to defend it, unless you don't pay taxes or it's a party line thing. I don't want anyone getting rich from milking my dime, regardless of their political affiliation.


We also shouldn't vote for idiots, but democracy still allows it.


yeah, I dont know why people keep voting in the same person for decades...being a politician is not supposed to be a career but they get infected and power hungry in DC. it must be really intoxicating to be in Congress...


People are being socially conditioned to believe that the system works best that way.


yup, which is why nothing ever changes. gotta keep that status quo....


Once people stop watching TV propaganda, things will start changing eventually. TV is still the best brainwashing tool so far... the Internet can't be controlled that easily. If everyone used streaming services, blocked ads and only trusted independent news outlets, the world would become a different place overnight.


The sad truth is the new leaders in the DNC are even worse than Pelosi. Which I would have thought impossible.


It's amazing that there are people defending these 70-80 year old maniacs. It reveals the sad state of mental health in this country. It's weird the lack to common sense, reality and pragmatism the minions of the 70-80 year guard are. I don't care what party a person is affiliated with I don't want 70-80 year old Dems or Reps running the country. Nor do I want a goofy, rich girl, bartender who does not know what geopolitical topics are.
