Most of the states in America are fully opened. Nobody is wearing masks anymore. People are happier and less paranoid. Nobody is getting sick. We are more free now. America is going back to normal. So the next time you preach mask wearing to people, we will give you the big middle finger and tell you to F off.
In the city where I live, hardly anybody is wearing masks. I think it is a general consensus here that the whole mask wearing thing was a complete joke....
Mask-wearing reduces the spread of Covid by 20-25% when most people are diligent about using them. In the absence of vaccines, it’s one of the few effective ways of slowing the spread of the virus. And, unfortunately, vaccines are not yet widely available in most parts if the world.
Unfortunately, you can't cite studies and figures to deniers. They will always try to find some way to twist things around and refuse to acknowledge factual evidence.
To the OP, the reason that mask usage is being reduced by state and county health authorities is that vaccination rates are getting higher.
My doctor told me that coronavirus is microscopic and can shoot through clothing including masks. Masks are completely useless. Also, my doctor also told me that when we breath, we breath out toxic wastes from our body. When we wear a mask, we are breathing in back that toxic waste which is not healthy for us.
You are mistaken. Human breath contains volatile organic compounds (VOCs). These compounds consist of methanol, isoprene, acetone, ethanol and other alcohols. The exhaled mixture also contains ketones, water and other hydrocarbons.
A straw man (sometimes written as strawman) is a form of argument and an informal fallacy of having the impression of refuting an argument, whereas the real subject of the argument was not addressed or refuted, but instead replaced with a false one.[1] One who engages in this fallacy is said to be "attacking a straw man".
Masks protect others. That's why surgeons wear them in the first place. But you Americans are so bent on individualism because "socialism is evil", you fail to grasp doing anything for the common good.
A straw man (sometimes written as strawman) is a form of argument and an informal fallacy of having the impression of refuting an argument, whereas the real subject of the argument was not addressed or refuted, but instead replaced with a false one.[1] One who engages in this fallacy is said to be "attacking a straw man".
Doctors aren't wearing masks to keep patients from catching flu from them. LOL. In their case it is in no way a microbial deterrent. Its about bacteria. It is a macro issue.
The CDC itself has for decades said that mask do not prevent the spread of influenza.
Concerning the Wuhan, masks provide a small protection only under certain circumstances. Very small. Small enough that virus data from one place to another does not show mask impact. Best thing about the masks: psychological protection. If you went out and spent a dollar since you felt safe then the mask was worth it.
What is crazy is how lately, so many people put their politics ahead of everything. Covid has been so politicized that no one knows what is true anymore and even start making spurious claims about surgeons to support what their television master tell them.
I know this for certain: When politicians gain an amount of power/control, they do not surrender it willingly. See who's power and money is increasing as a result of this and you will know whose words are suspect.
Keep that doctor! You're fortunate to have one who knows the truth and is willing to say it. Masks do not work. They are only for ignorant sheep and virtue signalers.
When they first started putting seatbelts in cars, some people would cut them out of their cars and make fun of people who wore them. This is the kind of people we are dealing with.
One caveat, if you have an actual GOOOOOOOOD Medically rated mask, then maybe yes.
I have yet to meet a person with one. AND I ASK. I'm inquisitive, you know.
And a month later, the Delta Variant is spreading exponentially, and a wave of unvaccinated idiots are about to overwhelm the world's healthcare systems.
Los Angeles has a new mask mandate, I guess they learned diddly-squat from the last time the plague swept through and the hospitals were running out of oxygen.
No, just sensible, common-sense precautions, like handwashing, face mask in public places, social distancing where appropriate, and a fucking lifesaving vaccination.
Masks prevent the virus from getting OUT, handwashing prevents the virus from getting IN.
I'm not talking to you, of course, I'm talking to anyone with sense who might read this. The vaccine doesn't kill people, there have been reports of deaths after taking vaccines, but these are few and it's absolutely not clear that the vaccine had anything to do with the deaths. People can have auto accidents and heart attacks at any time, including shortly after taking a shot that can prevent them from dying of COVID at least.
In the meantime, 4 million people have officially died of COVID, with the real total probably being far higher, because the governments of places like Brazil and India don't want to release the real figures. And with the Delta Variant that can kill young people sweeping around the world, everyone with sense needs to protect themselves.
we need to let these viruses weed out and kill the fuckwits that want to die. fuck them. let them die. less stupid in the world. We have to stop saving everyone. we just have to avoid them, and let them die.
this is exactly what this virus is designed to do: show who deserves to live and who doesn't.
If they can prove there is no threat, no virus, no millions of deaths, then we should listen to them. until then...
fuck you, fucktards, fuck off and die soon. please. our world will be a much much better place when you and your family line are gone.
The problem with that method is that the fools will infect others, and overwhelm the hospitals, thereby depriving the people with saving of medical care and needlessly killing a few doctors and nurses on the way out.
IMHO everyone in the US (at least) ought to be given a choice between a vaccine and a waiver, in which they refuse the vaccine, and surrender the right to medical care if they get COVID. If they want to die let them die, but without ruining things for everyone else.
it is an ugly mess. I seriously thought humanity would pull together, work together, but I guess the true colors are showing. I love everyone... and now I am "let them die"
Otter, does your "sensible, common-sense precautions" conveniently not apply to the thousands of unvaccinated illegals who are encouraged to jump your country's southern border every day by the same bunch of assholes who're enforcing these draconian laws?
Oh, is that the latest right-wing talking point? Trying to shift the blame from your unvaccinated, unmasked, filthy-handed, uncaring, contagious selves to "the illegals"?
Well it's bullshit, and nobody's going to believe you. YOU are the problem. Well, you and everyone who left India in a panic and came here.
LMAO, which do you think is stronger in you - Stockholm syndrome or TDS? :D
iF yOu dOn'T aGrEe wItH mE anD toE tHe cOmPaNy liNe, yoU aRe LiTeRally a RaCiST, RigHt-WiNg NaZi!!! aLl hAiL fAucI aNd deFeNd hIs HoNouR wItH yOuR lIfE!!
Will the dance party feature a song that pays tribute to Fauci's greatness in which Joe Biden makes a guest appearance and sniffs a little girl's hair?
I'm going to quit and go out soon, insulting fools who are actively courting death by slow suffocation is just too easy.
Just remember, everyone who has the sense to avoid the plague like the plague, it's past time to resume hand hygiene, face-masking, social distancing, and get your second vaccine shot if necessary, because the world is full of idiots who are doing their best to ignore common sense and infect themselves and each other. They're going to die by the millions, just don't let them infect you or anyone else with sense, on their march to deliberate self-destruction.
I don’t know who you are. I don’t know what you want. If you are looking for acceptance I can tell you I don’t have the inclination, but what I do have are a very particular set of skills. Skills I have acquired over a very long career. Skills that make me a nightmare for people like you. If you let this argument go now that’ll be the end of it. I will not look for you, I will not pursue you, but if you don’t, I will look for you, I will find you and I will outwit you...again!
“There’s a rise in Covid in these states”? Yeah, you let all of these illegals from shithole third world countries into America and what do think is going to happen????
If you thought Democrats lemmings were ignorant before, this covid nonsense has shined a light on them as bright as a supernova.
Their anger has exploded. Countless posts everywhere wishing death on those who’ve educated themselves and avoided an unproven injection that does not provide immunity. The death count it provides just keeps climbing nearing 15,000. 4x as many with life altering side effects. Countless videos of serious life altering side effects can only be kept hidden on social media for so long.
Now it’s been proven the vaccine is responsible for the so-called “variants”. And the injected are getting and spreading the rona more than the unjabbed.
And still they go about their usual brainless behavior, scream and call everyone a nazi who doesn’t wear a diaper on their face that’s been proven to be ineffective.
Meanwhile the great Kenyan they continue to worship has parties with hundreds. No masks. No distancing. No peep. Just like his BLM riots his organized a year ago that resulted in billions in damages and hundreds of deaths.