MovieChat Forums > Anthony Fauci Discussion > I truly hate this man!’

I truly hate this man!’

Stop with your mask wearing bs talk! This hasn’t proven a fu*king thing!!!


Just bend the knee for the Commies.


What? Him and the Democrats have weakened the US. Wasn’t that the plan all along?




Well considering they take orders from communist China would we expect any less?


Me too. And I feel very bad for people who fall for his lies. I mean what kind of protection is a protection that drives millions into homelessness? I mean he and the media say nothing about people who lost their homes from the lockdown.Nobody speaks for them. And I hate him because he's presented as the "good guy", and the good guys are presented as conspiracy theorists. That's why I hate him too. And I hate him more than the villains in the movies because the villains in the movies at least show who they really are and they aren't presented as the "good guys"


His original plan of wearing one mask did not work now he is telling people to wear two or three masks? Give me a break!!!




LOL. It wasn’t his plan, it’s been the plan of every civilised country in the planet the last century+ in regards to fighting off highly contagious respiratory viruses.

And it DOES work, but to varying degrees dependant upon a slew of factors.


I thought of saying something similar but, really, what’s the point? You’re never going to change the minds of people who see everything through the prism of Republicans vs Democrats and are so lacking in perspective that they can’t even look beyond their own borders to see how disease prevention initiatives like mask wearing and lockdowns have virtually eliminated the virus in other parts of the world. To them it’s simpler to see every initiative to save lives as an attack on their civil liberties, shout “communism!” and completely bury their heads in the sand when a man who has dedicated his life to the study of immunology tries to provide guidance. And yet if a self-serving businessman turned reality tv host tells them to inject bleach they make every excuse under the sun for his astounding idiocy. You’re never going to get through to people like that sadly.


Trump never told anyone to inject bleach. So many straw men in your post I don't know where to start. For someone who accuses others of seeing everything through the prism of Republicans vs Democrats, you are not exactly minding your own advice.


Unfortunately this site is full of Covid-denying crackpots who have to make everything political instead of just showing basic human decency and courtesy to their fellow human beings.


You’re wearing a mask, 6 feet apart.... What are you afraid of? Isn’t that what His Holiness Fauci said?





I feel the exact same way.


The guy is trying to save lives and everybody here hates him.

[sarcasm] Such gratitude! [/sarcasm]


Wearing a mask does not prove anything. People are still dying globally even when they wear the mask. At first he says don't wear the mask because it doesn't help then he tells people to wear the mask because they do help us. Seriously, how are we suppose to believe anything he says?!?!



The World War II generation: "Please tell me how I can best serve my country in its urgent time of need!"

Today's generation: "Wear a mask? Fuck you, you fascist. I'll do what I damn well please."

It's embarrassing.


So true.

During WWII people had to endure rationing, shortages, travel restrictions, curfews and "lights-out" ordinances. It was done for the protection and common good of the nation.

If today's entitled, self-absorbed generation had been around in the 1940s we would have lost the war.


Fauci is a science-denying bureaucrat on a power trip. Masks do not work. It has been proven by numerous unbiased scientific studies that were done before mask wearing became political. Masks do not protect the wearer, and they do not protect others in the vicinity of the wearer. We need to stop wearing idiotic face diapers like a bunch of ignorant sheep.


Please provide a link to some of these "numerous unbiased scientific studies." I promise to read with an open mind.


Yeah, that's what I thought.


he is drunk with power


So true. He only cares about having power then actually helping people and being truthful. He’s probably laughing behind our backs because so many people fell for his mask wearing bs talk....
