MovieChat Forums > Anthony Fauci Discussion > Brainwashing the whole world????

Brainwashing the whole world????

We are literally taking everything this man says to heart and hanging on his every word; that kind of power is scary!!! People refused to think for themselves. The whole world is wearing masks because he says so. I think this whole mask wearing bit has gone way out of control. I'm healthy as a horse and I don't believe I will get COVID with or without the mask. People are gotten to the point that they are completely obsessed with the mask; I only wear it so I don't get shamed or lured or taunted by people. In some counties if you are not wearing a mask, you will get a minimum of a $100 fine!!! Fauci has to stop scaring people and let people make decisions for themselves....


I say let's force COVID19 infections on open denialists since they're so tough and invulnerable AND make them sign waivers that deny them any access to ICUs. It's bad enough that trump and his clan run around spreading it while flaunting that there's no pandemic YET they still get access to the best doctors and vaccines when they are infected.


I wouldn't trust that idiot with my grandma's depends, and that's saying something.

Fauci is a globalist hack, and hasn't practiced medicine in 20 years. A lot of what he says has been found to be erroneous. I'm sorry Trump has to work with him, but I can't exactly go up to the White House and tell him to dump the fraud, now can I? I don't exactly see Fauci on the ground, working with actual covid patients or researchers, taking a look at the actual illness or the virus under a microscope.

The virus is real, that part we can all agree on, and it has killed people, but it's not killing people right and left like the virus in "Contagion" was. In fact, there are a lot of people recovering from this. There are even old people recovering from this! I actually heard about a guy in his 80s who got over it.

The real hoax here, is claiming we need all these lockdowns, ineffective masks, and quarantining healthy people (not just the sick) for months on end, for no other reason than to exert power over people that the authorities shouldn't have. They are using fear to control us, and they're gonna keep using it as long as this new power they have is useful to them. I have found it interesting that not only have they kept the past three lockdowns going on longer than necessary (3 months, vs. 2 weeks after each surge), but it seems like every time the lockdowns start to slowly lift, a crisis of some kind conveniently pops up, whether it be riots by Marxists claiming to be helping black people (which they aren't) or a sudden "surge" in virus cases, which is hammed up by the lamestream media. The greenies have also discovered how pollution has gone down around the world with people in lockdown, and nothing would please them more than to use this authoritarian method to cut down on world pollution; not that it makes much of a difference.

It would make more sense to let the healthy people go about their lives, and if anyone truly becomes sick with Covid, they can go quarantine in their homes and recover, or go to the hospital if they are worried about their lives being in danger.

I know it's something the Left doesn't understand, and they've been brainwashed into thinking such an idea is "selfish and inconsiderate," or "ignores their idea of science," but to be fair, it's also selfish and inconsiderate to imprison people in their homes unnecessarily, and to kill private businesses and put people out of work, while the rich go off and break the virus rules all they want and laugh at us from behind closed doors.


Wow, you are an insanely good writer and I agree with everything you said 100%. I don’t trust Fauci at all; he is an 80 old man who hasn’t practiced medicine in a LONG time. The thing I also have a problem with is that he is literally placing everybody in the same category which is not fair. People are so brainwashed that they are led to believe that he is right about everything and people judge you if you don’t follow all the rules down to the letter. I am really sick and tired of living like this. I wish that man would shut up and let us live our lives...


Numerous studies conducted using scientific methods have concluded that masks do not protect the wearer, or others in the vicinity of the wearer, from the transmission of viruses. If I ever write a term paper about it, I'll be sure to cite them. However, this is an informal forum, so you can do your own research. Mask wearing is pure virtue-signaling BS, or the frightened behavior of ignorant sheep who listen to this corrupt, science-denying bureaucrat and can't think for themselves. It has gone on too long, for no good reason. It's time to stop.


I 100% agree with you. Since day one, I have never agreed with mask wearing. I always thought the very idea of it was ridiculous.
