We are literally taking everything this man says to heart and hanging on his every word; that kind of power is scary!!! People refused to think for themselves. The whole world is wearing masks because he says so. I think this whole mask wearing bit has gone way out of control. I'm healthy as a horse and I don't believe I will get COVID with or without the mask. People are gotten to the point that they are completely obsessed with the mask; I only wear it so I don't get shamed or lured or taunted by people. In some counties if you are not wearing a mask, you will get a minimum of a $100 fine!!! Fauci has to stop scaring people and let people make decisions for themselves....
Why don't you attack the World Health Organization too? They were warning about the seriousness of the virus and advocating for mask use before anyone overseas had even heard of Doctor Fauci.
It might surprise you to know that other countries have infectious disease experts who also make public statements and act as advisors to the government. We're not all just hanging on Doctor Fauci's every word, we have our own experts to take advice from. Suggesting that he influences the entire world is as ridiculous as saying that we are all taking leadership advice from Trump. At this stage with America still being the current epicenter of the virus, many countries are happy to take America as a warning rather than a lead to follow.
The issue here seems not to be Fauci, but the message he is delivering. You and many others don't want to listen so it's likely nothing will improve with any particularly urgency.
No one likes masks, really. They are a pain in the butt and uncomfortable and a bitch to remember when you leave the house. I firmly believe that Fauci isn't suggesting them to make everyone uncomfortable though. Without a vaccine they are one of the only preventative measures we can take.
It's good that you're wearing it. It's not about you believing or not believing that you'll get it, it's about protecting other people, in case you have the virus and you don't know it. What is there to think about for yourself, unless you're an expert in virology? It's really important to wear the mask. When you talk about scaring people, remember that lots of people have died and been very sick and have had terrible complications even if they survived. If masks might help even a little bit in slowing the spread, it's worth it.
There's a good chance you won't even notice when you have it. But there's a small chance it will kill you and little less small chance it will maim you with permanent fatigue or other nasty stuff. There's a big chance you'll infect others, however.
So please stay at home as much as possible, keep the 6 feet distance from others when you need to go out and wear a mask in public places. And wash your hands often !
yup. EVERYONE reacts to this virus EXACTLY THE SAME. Science.
All those professionals are lying, and the armchair wannbees know everything. THAT's who we should trust: people making $#!T up off their cuff with zero experience or training. Maybe they will do free dental work for you too since all the professionally trained people are obviously liars.
One million percent agree my friend. Plus people can protect themselves without being mandated. When will people realize that they use the virus as an excuse for taking away our freedoms and human rights? When will people realize that?
You're being asked to stay inside, stay apart and wear a mask when you can't. With the specific purpose of controlling a virus. It's a bit rich comparing that with people who suffer real human rights abuses. Like would you know what it's like to suffer government sanctioned torture? No. But being directed to wear a mask and suddenly your human rights are being taken away. My heart bleeds.
If you want to see the end game in the directive, look at New Zealand. They stuck to the rules and now they can do whatever the hell they want. But if you'd prefer to drag this all out....
For a long time, we weren't allowed to go to hair salons or eat at restaurants; we were basically held prisoners in our own homes. We weren't allowed to go anywhere or do anything. I don't know where you live but, suicide rates during that time in my state went through the roof. Lots of businesses closed down too and the unemployment rate was at an all time high. I know one guy that went to the beach in another county and he was fined $1500; just for going to the beach and not living in that county; I mean really?!?! Yes, I do agree with George that some of our freedoms were taken away from us. You have to agree to an extent that this has not been a good year for Americans....
It hasn't been a good year for anyone. This isn't just about the USA, people all over the world have been asked to stay home. Businesses have been hurt all over the world. But, please tell me how you equate being told to stay home and to wear a mask when you can't is losing freedoms?
jeekers christmas! There's a killer virus in the wild and you can't make the slightest effort to protect your fellow man for a few weeks? Can't miss hair appointments or skip eating out long enough to kill it off? Fine. We'll be stuck with this thing forever since people like you will not compromise THEIR life for anyone else.
My freedoms weren't TAKEN, I personally sacrificed them by my choice because I'm not a fkkking idiot and know what this virus can do thanks to the four deaths of people I knew. Until one of your family croaks from it, go ahead and continue being an asshat and killing others. Thanks!
I wear a mask when I go to the grocery store, malls, and other stores because where I live you can't shop without one. I'm pretty sure in most of America the same rule applies
There have been numerous studies conducted using scientific methods that have shown that masks do not protect the wearer from viruses, and do not protect other people in the vicinity of the wearer. These studies were done prior to this year, so they were unbiased. The researchers were just curious, but had no agenda to push. The studies have been refuted by some since March, 2020, but masks have not changed, viruses have not changed, and science has not changed. The only thing that has changed is politics. Statements by authorities advocating mask wearing are motivated by ideology, not science. Masks are worn by some because they are naive, and by others because they are virtue signaling. But masks do not help anybody. Politicized science is pseudo-science being used to brainwash.
nature is the new form of cnn -
I've read that nature has refused to publish a number of studies at the behest of China - so that should tell you something.
Early on, one Korean doctor said that USA is insane not to force people to wear masks - because prior research showed that mask wearing can prevent people from being infected.
New research shows that 85% of new infected cases were of people who wore masks - and the number of infected is growing - not slowing - the death toll is growing as well.
I suspect that the biggest reason why USA is really doing so poorly is because it is the most obese nation on the planet. https://www.marketwatch.com/story/the-us-is-the-most-obese-nation-in-the-world-just-ahead-of-mexico-2017-05-19
Liberty is the right to live your own life as you see fit, so long as you aren't violating the rights of others. There's a line where your absolute freedom to do whatever the fuck you want starts to inflict measurable harm on other people. Your decision whether or not to adhere to health restrictions doesn't just affect you. If you want to skydive without a parachute, have fun. The only person who's going to die is you. Walk around with covid, knowingly or unknowingly, stand near other people - and you're putting them in danger. Where's their choice?
I find it amusing that right wingers call BLM protesters, and liberals in general, both communists and anarchists. If you have any understanding of either label you'd realize they're opposites and no one can be both. But the idea that you have total unbounded freedom to live as though other people don't exist, and no one has any right to restrict your actions in the slightest no matter what the circumstances ... that's what an anarchist believes. That's not liberty. Nor would the founders have described it as such.
Mandatory emergency measures during pandemics have been the norm throughout human history, including this country. Only in 2020 does there seem to be a huge outcry from the death cult of Trump - who would agree with him and congratulate him for his brilliance if he announced the sky was red. A 12 year old boy with no pre-existing health conditions died this week. Marathon runners and other young athletes have died from this virus. Many more have been left with (possibly permanent, no one knows for sure yet) limitations and are not the same anymore.
It doesn't matter what you believe dude. You feel strong as an ox. Whoopee. You can totally believe with every fiber of your being that covid-19 doesn't even exist, and it won't do a thing to save you. You have the same odds as anyone else of your age and health status should you get infected. There's one bullet in the cylinder. Put the gun to your head, cock and pull the trigger. Maybe that'll the be the last thing you ever do. Maybe you'll be fine. Good luck!
Lockdowns do work. They have serious economic consequences but they ARE effective in suppressing infectious disease. They weren't necessary, for example, in South Korea, because there was a massive testing and contact tracing program rolled out early on, and distancing and mask mandates which are enforced. You can be fined, even jailed for repeated violations. Of course there have been few such arrests. In that culture people are more disciplined. As a result they have around 500 deaths total - not 500 thousand, 500. And their lives are much much closer to normal. We could probably have a regular Thanksgiving for everyone, with large family gatherings and everything, safely, had we done as good a job as they have.
If people wear masks you're right, lockdowns become unnecessary. But if we let community infections get too far out of control, a prison-like lockdown becomes the only method left to bring the numbers back down. De facto lockdown will occur without a declaration if enough people get sick, and the news is full of overflowing hospitals, people dying on gurneys in the hallway, and bodies stacked up in freezer trucks. When the average person is too scared to go out the economy shuts down.
Our government needs to do what governments have traditionally done during pandemics. The rules are not optional. Follow them or go to jail. That's your "personal choice". Oh my personal liberty! It's fascism! I have zero respect for anyone so self absorbed they consider any emergency restriction for the good of society an intolerable affront. Why should we pander to the worst among us, especially under these circumstances?
They don't work. People in the US have been masking and distancing for almost a year....only to be met with highest case totals. Comparing the US to other tiny little countries/islands and homogeneous populations is apples and oranges.
What you propose would be ridiculously authoritarian and racist.
The reason it's failed is because an obnoxiously vocal minority of the population has been ignoring safety precautions ... and damn proud of it! The US has been a mess of fifty different, largely uncoordinated piecemeal responses and morons protesting every attempt to contain the virus. The orange faced buffoon we've had for a President has been egging his cultish followers on to oppose masks, to wear their defiance of any restrictions whatsoever like a badge of pride. Combine that with a refusal of any state to simply close their borders to travelers and you get the current mess we're in. A few states with governors like Ron DeSuckup can screw things up for everyone else as their citizens jet about the country. Simple as that. To say we've been at it for a year and it hasn't worked is foolish - we never really did what we needed to do, not comprehensively and not all together, which is the only way it works.
South Korea succeeded where we failed because they had a nationwide highly coordinated and well funded response, with hardly any covidiots throwing wrenches into the gears. You don't hear whiny little bitches complaining about their personal freedoms. You don't see people refusing to wear masks in stores and bullying their way past teenage employees. There would never be a huge political rally in South Korea with people packed in like sardines and not wearing masks. Bikers wouldn't hold a convention with a hundred thousand participants and little or no precautions, then scatter to all parts of the country. That's why the Koreans are where they are today, and we are where we are.
We could've followed New Zealand's approach too - lock down initially until the cases disappear (easy to do when the total caseload is still low) then keep the border closed to incoming travelers and release all restrictions. Keep testing people who come to hospitals with flulike symptoms, but otherwise everyone lives normally. It's total BS to say we couldn't have contained covid and kept all these hundreds of thousands of deaths from happening. We could have. This was a choice.
Emergencies without obvious ends like the so-called War on Terror are the sort of thing that allows a government to chip away at vital rights in a way that sticks. You know, we need mass surveillance of the population and warrantless searches because ... terrorism. This is different. It's a pandemic. It's temporary. Not an open ended emergency, there's a definite endpoint (when we're vaccinated) making it fairly useless for the would-be tyrant looking to use it as cover for a long term power grab.
It is neither overly authoritarian - read your history - or racist (???) to make pandemic control measures mandatory. That's been the norm since the dawn of civilization. Whatever the color of your skin, whatever your religion, whatever your age or gender, wear a mask and socially distance. Oh sure, these policies single out members of the human race. Is that what you mean by racist?
i agree to chrisjdel Covid-19 won't last forever cuz The Spanish Flu and Black Plague didnt either and were more advanced in Medicine since then we will still have our freedoms when its over man I just want to get back to normal
Me too. Everyone's sick of this damn thing! Pathogens thrive by exploiting the habits of their hosts to spread. And humans are social creatures who don't take well to confinement - there's a reason why locking people up is used as punishment.
Pandemics eventually burn themselves out, like the Spanish flu and the Black Death. Thankfully this is nowhere near as lethal as bubonic plague. It's comparable to the Spanish flu though, which killed around 600,000 Americans in 1918 and 1919. Covid-19 has the additional downside that long term health problems, which may be serious and permanent for all we know, are affecting millions of recovered patients (so-called long haulers). We're rolling the dice by allowing the virus to spread so widely. If those people don't eventually make a full recovery the suffering and cost to the health care system could be worse than the pandemic itself.
Incredibly effective vaccines are here, we just need to refrain from being stupid for another few months while they churn out enough for everyone. Then we can throw away our masks and kiss off covid-19 forever.
My goodness, let’s not go overboard. I mean seriously?! I am a very careful person and I never put myself at risk. I wear stupid masks all the time and I hate them. I just have a hard time understanding how wearing a cloth mask or paper mask over your mouth and nose is going to protect you from a deadly disease. My doctor even told me that coronavirus is microscopic and can even spread to your lungs and body even if you wore a mask; meaning it can spread through the mask. I don’t understand how this is helping anyone.
It's really simple. Individual virus particles don't float in the air. They're inside microscopic water bubbles, mist, that comes out of your nose and mouth when you exhale. That virus laden moisture is mostly captured by the mask so it doesn't form an invisible cloud of vapor in front of you. It's not perfect, because even the best masks aren't airtight - unless you wear a full gas mask. But it's close enough to make a huge difference.
If everyone wears a mask properly, covering their mouth and nose the risk of transmission in that environment is very low. But all it takes is a handful of knuckleheads who won't wear masks and won't keep their distance from others to screw things up - because the mask is only about 30% effective at protecting its own wearer from an unmasked infected person in close quarters. So the maskholes who protest against mandates and bully their way into stores are having a noticeable impact. Refusing to forego big family functions and church services causes even more spread. There's a reason why some countries have a small amount of community spread and very few deaths, while we're racking up these astronomical numbers.
Voluntary rules don't work. There has to be enforcement.
No. You and others like you don't get to make that decision for the rest of us. I'm certainly not willing to sacrifice anyone close to me for the sake of those whining babies who won't recognize any restrictions on their absolute right to do whatever the fuck they want.
Most Americans agree that precautions should remain in place until the vaccines are distributed and the pandemic is ended that way. There needs to be zero toleration of covidiots. For those who won't comply, their fellow citizens - with baseball bats - need to show them the error of their ways. I'd love to see a group of those annoying anti-mask protestors beaten to a bloody pulp and sent to the emergency room (maybe to catch covid while they're there).
It's an indication of the self-absorbed insanity of the 21st century right wing that pandemic control measures are actually a matter of controversy. You didn't see this brand of nonsense in the past. And infectious disease has been with us since the dawn of civilization. Rules were made, and enforced when necessary.
Many people don't listen to him. So no, not a brainwashing of the whole world.
Yes, some people are crazy about this stuff. Most don't believe all this will really help. They're just going along to get along.
After the vaccine, you'll see the narrative replaced with some other controversy.
Peak oil
Hole in the Ozone layer
The war on Terror
No more ice caps
Swine flu
Bird Flu
Global warming
Global cooling
No more birds because of DDT
Rising oceans
Super Volcanos
Nuclear war
There's always something to drive people batty. This is just another in long history.
yes i feel bad for u boys. i always wanted to join the army to play with the guns and blow random civilians up in random countries but watched to many documentaries of uncle sam fucking our guys in the bumhole to ever sign my soul away to that devil. goodluck brotha!
Don't feel bad for us. Only 10% of the military see action and most of that is skirmishes while on convoys. More Soldiers are killed by civilian drivers than war. That's the biggest danger in any country.
Rather than watching documentaries, perhaps you would do yourself a bit of good by actually getting to know soldiers. The documentaries are just more propaganda trying to promote the "evil empire." If you had joined, you'd see militaries are too disorganized and bogged down by regulations to be intentionally evil. That falls on government.
yeah i was just trolling got nothing really against the soldiers. u are right the government is the fucked up one who is responsible for all that stuff
we? fuck this guy i havent listen to one word he said! only thing i know about this guy is seeing a clip of him on some fake news broadcast at some store or bar i am in. he sounds like a bitch thats the only thing i know about him