He's gonna be a dad

Surprised nobody's posted this here already, but he announced on his Twitter recently that he's gonna be a dad. Exact words: "is gonna be a daddy, can't wait"



Kaya said in her twitter that he doesn't have one because it's too complicated for him! I don't think Kaya is pregnant, read this, she revealed that they're in a relationship for a year now http://img150.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=28925_003_122_71lo.jpg

La vie est un long fleuve tranquille, ah moins qu'on ne soit un adolescent...
16ans et pourtant...


Wow I didn't even know Kaya had a Twitter! I also didn't know she and Jack were dating.

Well, I'm embarrassed =P


It's ok, I always make mistakes ^^!

La vie est un long fleuve tranquille, ah moins qu'on ne soit un adolescent...
16ans et pourtant...


As if he could be with Kaya, shes way to beautiful for him.


No HE is way better for her ;)

La vie est un long fleuve tranquille, ah moins qu'on ne soit un adolescent...
16ans et pourtant...


That article is rubbish. Kaya is dating an actor called Elliott Tittensor.


That Twitter account was an imposter. Jack's only had Twitter since 17th Jan 2010.


http://twitter.com/Eeeyoohoh if you're wondering.
