MovieChat Forums > Gavin Newsom Discussion > Will he be president in 2028?

Will he be president in 2028?

If he runs with the Universal Basic Income in his program,he can win.


Nah, the United States of America is not a socialist country.

That alone is enough. He is also a terrible governor.


>Nah, the United States of America is not a socialist country.

That's why Health Care executives get murdered for destroying people's lives.
Everyone knows that universal health care is the way to go, but trolls like you
call a system that removes the profit motive from doctors delivering care, socialist.


Question?? How come prior to the murder of this Healthcare CEO, we never heard of stuff like this occurring, even under 2 Terms of Obama?? So what changed after all this time??


The answer is a resounding NO because he will turn all of the U.S into California and America simply won't stand for him or his Gordon Gecko slicked back Wall Street look


He will not be president in 2028 because just like Kamala, people will see he's yet another power-addicted Cool Kids Table candidate who only cares about ideology rather than the people he's supposed to be serving.


Oh GOD I hope not. That guy is a horrible governor. He wouldn't know what leadership was, even if it walked up and bitch-slapped him. Only reason he even got the governorship of California was because Nancy Pelosi is his aunt-in-law.

The guy's done nothing but steal money from the public purse for years. He's the reason taxes skyrocketed in California soon after he was elected. Newscum is the one responsible for our state being broke every year when wildfires come out, rather than balancing the state's budget like a responsible adult. He's also the one who refuses to have newer, larger water reservoirs built for summertime, despite the fact that the state's population has grown since the 80s.

He barely ever spends time in Sacramento actually working. He spends most of his time in his mansion or favorite country club up in Napa Valley, living the high life while many Californians are struggling to pay their bills or are broke and living on the streets. This is the same guy who happily ignored all the lockdown restrictions for Covid at the French Laundry restaurant. This is the same guy who allowed the strictest, most unreasonable rules to be implemented for the lockdowns, and kept them going the longest besides NY, and you know what? It didn't make a damned bit of difference with infection rate. People still got sick, even with social distancing and masks.
This is also the same guy who thought Hollywood's movies were considered "essential" while forcing small businesses that did provide services to the community were shut down, sometimes permanently.

Do you really want a slimeball like this for president? Seriously?

And no, there's no such thing as Universal Basic Income that actually works. That is a Marxist Pyramid Scheme (as well as a carrot to dangle in front of gullible, lazy, worthless voters), that will never work, because frankly, no country in the world has enough money to sustain such a system. Every time someone has been stupid enough to try it, they ran out of money very quickly. Just ask Venezuela. Margaret Thatcher once said, "Socialism is great until you run out of other people's money."
