MovieChat Forums > Luigi Mangione Discussion > Should they execute him?

Should they execute him?

Should they send a message that random killings are unacceptable.


No, because it will cost many more millions in legal wranglings and probably make him some sort of perverted martyr. Best to let him live a few years to get his ass visited from his prom dates then catching a shiv during a riot..


I feel guilty enjoying your post on Christmas Eve, but ;D ;D ;D X's 100


Fa la la la la, la la - la - la...

Merry Christmas!!!


And a Merry Christmas to you!!!


It wasn't a random killing. It was based in his own suffering at the hands of the medical insurance industry. It doesn't rise to the level required for the death penalty.


"his own suffering at the hands of the medical insurance industry."

Luigi was not insured by UHC. No record of him filing a claim with any heath insurance company has not been found. He either didn't seek treatment or his rich family paid cash for his treatment. You might to rethink your "claim".

"It doesn't rise to the level required for the death penalty." What is your legal background?


I'm a Supreme Court Justice.

First, New York state doesn't have the death penalty. And it's for the most egregious crimes anyway.

Second, UHC and this dead CEO have the worst record of any healthcare insurer. No one knows at this point why Mangione chose it. But as has been said, this was a political murder without personal malice towards the victim. It's not a death penalty case even if it was in Texas.



You're a supreme court justice? That's funny... haha.

The prosecutors are pinning him with federal charges. I'm calling it now, he's going to get executed.

Oddly enough, I also read in the following link that he graduated from an ivy league school. Wow, what an idiot. Guy had it made, now he's in shackles...

Anyhow, here's a link...

Apparently, stalking/murder/terrorism is enough to elevate it to death penalty. But as a SCJ, you already knew this, right?

And yeah, you need to show us how UHC effected his life. You gotta link? Mangione is just an idiot.


They won't execute this guy. Mark my words. He's enough of a hero already to a large part of the population. Turn him into a martyr and they'll make him a Saint.

He has no criminal background whatsoever. Even Jeffrey Dahmer didn't get the death penalty.

Yeah, he's stupid. He threw it all away. That makes him all the more sympathetic character to a jury.

Plus you'll get a jury with a bunch of mawkish women on it.


Your intelligence level is better suited for the Pwinty and Daniel boards with your equals LTZ and Rhemo. Stay there.


Don't go dissing the Pwinty board, there are some quality conversations going on in there. lol...

And Onan is a pretty good poster. Sure, I disagree with him about 70% of the time but overall, he's not too bad. I never knew he was a SCJ though. That's hilarious...


Conversations by guy/gal/whatever who mostly talks to himself: LTZ and Rhemo.

Onan is on their level. You need to wise up.


You should read some of my previous posts, I'm one of the wisest individuals in here. And yes, they're are some oddballs on the pwinty board but it's all in good fun.

Lighten up, not everything has to be ultra-serious. Peeps are allowed to have some fun in here. And honestly, it's the internet, I'll talk to pretty much anyone in here.



>>>They won't execute this guy. Mark my words.<<<

At this point, I would say it's about 60/40 in favor of them pulling the plug on this guy. He stalked Thompson, planned it out, and then shot him execution style. That is a federal level type of crime. He had plenty of time to think about this and then not do it, he's an educated man, it wasn't like he didn't know any better.

>>>He's enough of a hero already to a large part of the population.<<<

That large part is full of idiots too, that listen to Michael Moore types, Mangione wasn't even a member of UHC and has never filed an insurance claim. Besides, we have Obamacare, that should have resolved this issue. People at poverty level have access to great healthcare right now. In fact, if you make less than 30k per year, you shouldn't be paying much of anything for healthcare. Not that I want to get into a long discussion on healthcare but it's worth noting that the system is really not "that" bad right now.

It's certainly not bad enough to randomly kill someone like this. Honestly, he could have gotten pissed off at a lot of people. I mean, if we aren't satisfied with Obamacare, he could have killed several politicians that signed it into law. Hell, he could have killed the CEO of RJ Reynolds, you know, smoking is a huge contributor to our healthcare costs. There's a lot of examples I could give you... Hell, I could go on and on all day with it. Again, he's educated, he knows how things like this work. Random killings aren't going to have any effect on the healthcare system. The people got what they wanted (cheap insurance for poor people) when O-Care was passed into law.

>>>Even Jeffrey Dahmer didn't get the death penalty.<<<

The moment they put him into the prison population, they sentenced him to death. He was killed in prison.

>>> That makes him all the more sympathetic character to a jury.<<<

When they find out that he knew better that is usually enough to get a jury to turn on you. This guy comes from wealth, graduated from ivy league, lived a privileged life, had everything he ever needed etc...etc...

This guy is going down.


The feds indicted him with premeditated / first degree murder specifically to qualify the crime for capital punishment in the event NY state did not do so. It’s impossible to know if he’ll be executed because it depends on so many factors including how he defends himself at trial. But the U.S. government clearly charged him in a purposeful way to trigger the death sentence.


It was premeditated murder. He laid in wait and shot a guy in the back. It most certainly does rise to the level required for capital punishment if the prosecutor chose to go that route.




You know, cigarettes kill about 480 thousand per year. Should someone kill the CEO of RJ Reynolds?

Alcohol abuse claims about 200 thousand lives every year. Should someone kill the CEO of Anheuser Busch?

Automobile (and other vehicle) accidents claim about 30,000 lives every year. Should you take matters into your own hands and kill the CEO of The Ford Motor Company?

I could go on and on... the list is remarkably long on the various things that can kill people.


If found guilty, this person is an excellent example of a person who deserves to be executed. Mangione denied American the chance to make examples of CEO's who value profits over life.



If a healthcare company conspires to deny healthcare to the people it is supposed to provide coverage for, then there should be consequences. Or do you think health care should be something that is used to keep the middle class and poor people hungry and in their place?


Random killing are unacceptable... however Luigi is a hero and didnt kill someone randomly.


When was the last time killing just one person got the death penalty in the US?


Nine days ago: Kevin Ray Underwood, Oklahoma.

Of the 25 U.S. death penalty sentences carried out in 2024, 16 involved convictions for the murder of a single victim


Shocked, I didn't know that.


that’s like fucking for virginity, never gonna work


If they execute him he becomes even more of a martyr than he already is.
