MovieChat Forums > KISS Discussion > A band so shit that I listen to the Spic...

A band so shit that I listen to the Spice Girls to cleanse my palette.

This alleged "band" is one of the biggest pieces of shit in music history. I can't even say that they make radio friendly hits because if their music is being played, then it's not being friendly to the radio. When Satan hears their music, he weeps endlessly. Not because it's heavy or dark, but because of how shit it is. Satan himself doesn't deserve such disrespect.


Their music certainly is lacking in substance. Their music hardly has a meaning, lyrically or content-wise. But ignoring content, some of their songs have a good rock n roll sound. I went through a phase where I listened to them, Then I outgrew it. I liked “Rock n Roll All Night,” “Goin Blind,” “Shock me,” “Strange Ways” and many other songs.

I’ll also note that their painted-faced appearances (particularly Gene Simmons) really gave them a lot more attention than they would’ve received


The painted faces definitely gave them more attention. It was such a gimmick. They did everything for attention. I mean, they do sell KISS coffins after all.


The new documentary is interesting and reveals all the creative ideas was done by other people.


I don't think they were really setting out to create masterpieces. They were fun, probably kept on going too long as Paul's voice has been cactus for a while now. Not everything has to be meaningful, sometimes it's fun to just have fun.

I still would listen to Kiss over the Spice Girls any day.


have you seen the spice girls movie, its actually pretty good and funny...


They were upset when they didn't get into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. (They have since been inducted). They really believed they were good enough.


Everyone gets into the r'n'r hall of fame though even if they're techno.


Yeah, Madonna is even there.


they were basically the first hair pop band, they were known more for their show and theatrics then their music.

they are the Poison of their generation.


And both of them are poison for their generation.


Beth was a good song


Love the lyrics.



played at every wedding i have ever attended


Go watch Detroit Rock City and Shutup


I'd rather not.


your like those Disco guys huh


i'm referring to the movie


I avoid anything KISS related.


you should give it a chance, Kiss is only at the End. its just a movie about Kids who love a band & their journey to see them Live.


Out of curiosity, how old are you?
I ask because a huge part of the appeal of KISS was how and when they came onto the scene, and the cult of personality they created. They were iconic. It would never fly now...and I'd never expect a younger generation of these times to appreciate KISS. But in the 70's....there was just something so cool about that band. And the music itself was just a part of it. Though I did love the loud, energetic rock and roll they produced. It didn't NEED to be Tchaikovsky. It just needed to be loud...energetic...bombastic....guitar-driven rock and roll.

No other bands were doing what KISS did. Their live shows were a real EVENT. To see Gene Simmons breath fire....and have all that fake blood oozing down his face--just crazy! I had their action figures...their posters...
I remember seeing a few of their record albums at a garage sale and seeing those images of them in full make-up...and just thought they were the coolest rock band ever--and I hadn't even heard their songs yet! That's the cult of KISS. Unfortunately...these days they have become a nostalgia act and a punchline. But to put yourself into the shoes of a the 70's...seeing and hearing that iconic, crazy, bombastic band for the first'd get it.

Not too many bands transcend the music and have an entire mystique to their brand, but Kiss is one of them.
But again--you had to be there.


I'm 38. I should make it known that the 70s is my favourite decade for music. I don't even consider them an actual band when I compare it to other 70s acts


KISS (or Knights In Satan's Service as the old people called them back in the day) are two separate bands to me. The 70s makeup stuff, and then the 2 or 3 albums they did in the 80s without the make up that doesnt get as much radio air time. "War Machine" is my favorite "Make up era" song....even if it was written by Bryan Adams. Paul Stanley's voice hit peak in the 80s. But has since fizzled out.


yo Spice girls actually has one good song!


Spice Girls are legends compared to KISS.


tru dat!


I'm not a huge fan of Kiss either but they are awesome live!
